European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson warned on Tuesday about “huge risk” from possible attacks in the European Union during Christmas due to the polarization of European society due to the war between Israel and Hamas: “The war between Israel and Hamas and the resulting polarization in our society due to the upcoming Christmas season huge risk of terrorist attacks in the European Union, as we saw recently in Paris”.

This risk of attacks like the one that cost the life of a German tourist and injured two others in central Paris is one of the topics on the agenda of the ministerial meeting The Ministry of the Interior, which takes place today in Brussels and which will be the last in this format during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, which ends on December 31.

“Unfortunately, we’ve seen this before. So this is important debate what will we have today in the Council”- said the commissioner.

Johansson also said that he would announce that “now we will make it available Another 30 million euros for defensen, for example, places of worship” Jews.

The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office in Paris on Saturday took over the investigation into the attack carried out by a 26-year-old Frenchman who stabbed a German tourist to death and injured two people in the center of Paris while shouting “Allah is great”.

The attacker was stopped by officers in the Grenelle district, near the Eiffel Tower.

Since 2012, jihadist attacks in France have killed 273 people (plus Saturday’s) and injured 1,200, especially in 2015 and 2016.