Argentina is entering unknown territory. Ultra-liberal Javier Miley (Buenos Aires, 1970), with only two years of experience as a deputy, will become the next president of Argentina starting on December 10. The leader of La Libertad Avanza led the pragmatic Peronist Sergio Massa (San Martin, 1972), Minister of Economy since August 2022, by 12 points (55.9% to 44.09%), according to 86.5% of polls. This is the historical failure of Peronism.

Change won, a radical break with Kirchnerism, despite the fear caused outsider like the economist Javier Miley, who promised to destroy the state and dollarize the economy. Sergio Massa’s fear campaign has not been successful because the fatigue with what is already known, with Kirchnerism, is at its maximum. Economic indicators are devastating: inflation is 142% and four in ten Argentines live in poverty. Massa won only in the province of Buenos Aires and by just one point in Santiago del Estero and Formosa.

Sergio Massa admitted defeat and announced that he would leave politics. “Argentina has a strong, durable, transparent democratic system and respects results. These are not the results we expected. “I contacted Javier Miley to congratulate him and wish him good luck as he will be President of Argentina for the next four years.” – he said. Weight. “The most important thing is the message of coexistence and dialogue; this is the best path we can take.” He suggested that Miley begin the transfer of power on Monday.

The victory in Cordoba, where Miley ended his election campaign on Thursday, was impressive, surpassing the victory achieved by Mauricio Macri in 2015. Massa had hoped to reach 35% in Cordoba, but remained at just 25%. In Santa Fe, the margin is 30 points in favor of the libertarian economist. The province of Buenos Aires chose Sergio Massa, but the difference is minimal, just one point.

Macri Miley support

The support of former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) and United for Change candidate Patricia Bullrich, who was ousted after finishing third in the first round on October 23, was crucial for Miley to achieve a majority. With their support, Macri and Bullrich normalized the Milei brand. Both were in the Miley bunker at the Libertador Hotel in Buenos Aires. Next to Milya is always her sister Karina, known as the Boss.

The message from former President Macri assures that his For and Together for Change party will not allow Miley to commit atrocities. The day after the first round, Macri saw the game and approached Miley with the so-called Acassuso Pact. La Libertad Avanza has only 37 deputies, so it needs 93 representatives of the conservative coalition in the Chamber. Miley’s party has only eight senators and no governors.

Miley moderated his message in the second round and denied, for example, any intention to abolish subsidies. You will have to look for consensus.

Participation reached 77%, very similar to the 77.6% recorded in the first round on October 23. Although voting is compulsory, Monday is a holiday, so there were fears that there would be more abstentions. Youth between the ages of 16 and 18 can vote voluntarily, and those over 70 can vote.

Guillermo Francos, leader of Libertad Avanza and eventual interior minister Miley, noted that the elections were “transparent and controlled” by both parties. “I’m optimistic because this was the day democracy expressed itself,” he remarked when the results were still pending.

A few minutes earlier, Tourism Minister Matthias Lammens noted that the vote was held “in an atmosphere of peace.” Senator Giuliana Di Tullio emphasized: “40 continuous years of democracy confirm to us that people are as committed to this process as they were 40 years ago.”

Both President Alberto Fernandez and Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner went into hiding during the election campaign. Massa wanted to distance himself from them to try to convey the message of change, although as economy minister he played a decisive role in the outgoing government. During the vote, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner said in Rio Gallegos: “No one can give advice to the future president. This is the second round in democracy, it is very strong. We vote very quickly and hope to find out the results just as quickly.” … Anytime people speak up, it’s worth it.”

Somehow the election was fought behind the scenes between former President Macri and former President Kirchner. This would be Macri’s revenge after his defeat in 2019. Despite this, Kirchner has his own plans and next week he will hold a conference in Naples on the issue Democratic dissatisfaction and then he will meet the Pope, who, according to Mili, was Evil. He later publicly apologized.

“This victory for Miley could be good for Cristina Fernandez. A very strong adjustment needs to be made and this way her training will be freed from it. And the loss of Massa, which left her on the sidelines, is not bad news for her either. “says Lucas Romero, political scientist and consultant at Synopsis Consultores.

According to journalist Adriana Amado, professor at Camilo José Cela University, we must remember that “countries do not commit suicide. Mile won’t be the one to last long. It will be a catalyst that the system itself has created. “It has a cathartic effect.”

Nobody knows how Javier Mila will govern, because in just two years he has made the leap from politics to the presidency and many of his proposals are unrealizable or will require agreements. As political scientist Jorge Segal says, “with Peronism we had all the certainty, with Miley it is a challenge to the imagination.”