Obesity today represents one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality among Spaniards; although the scale of the problem now extends beyond our borders and represents a problem on a global scale. In particular, it is the most common metabolic disease in the developed world, and it is becoming a true epidemic, causing more than irreversible damage in many areas.

“Excess fat puts pressure on bones, which can lead to deformities and fragility.”


Although unknown to many, obesity affects our bone health much more than cardiovascular health itself. Its effect on bones and joints is significant and can have far-reaching consequences, which, as the doctor warns, are important. Ghassan Elgeadi SalehHead of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at the Quironsalud San José and Quironsalud Valle del Henares hospitals.

“So, taking steps to combat obesity and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are two important aspects to maintaining bone and joint health over time, as otherwise the consequences can lead to lifelong consequences,” warns this specialist.

Irreversible effect

This doctor calls the current “obesity epidemic,” which figures have already affected more than one billion people worldwide and is rising in prevalence, “alarming.” “In Spain, about 57% of the population suffers from this disease. Although its harmful effects on the cardiovascular system and metabolism are known, it is critical to highlight its impact on bone and joint health, an aspect that often goes unnoticed,” laments the traumatologist.

    Ghassan Elgeadi Saleh, head of the service of orthopedic surgery and traumatology at the Quironsalud San José and Quironsalud Valle del Henares hospitals.
Ghassan Elgeadi Saleh, head of the service of orthopedic surgery and traumatology at the Quironsalud San José and Quironsalud Valle del Henares hospitals.

Although cardiovascular and metabolic problems are common in obesity, Dr. Elgeady cautions that their effects on bones and joints are less well understood. “Excess fat puts pressure on bones, which can cause them to become deformed and brittle. This is why the so-called “support zones” such as the knees and ankles are particularly vulnerable in this sense,” emphasizes this specialist from Quironsalud San Jose and Quironsalud Valle del Henares.

At the same time, remember that obesity impairs bone metabolism through inflammatory, hormonal and mechanical factors; although he acknowledges that its overall effect on bone mass or fracture risk is still not well understood. He argues that current evidence has shown that postmenopausal women who are obese, for example, have an increased risk of fractures.

Bone diseases due to obesity

On the other hand, this orthopedic surgeon emphasizes that excess weight, in most cases caused by poor nutrition, can lead to decreased bone mineral density as well as deterioration of musculoskeletal health, causing pain and deformities, as well as very limited mobility. person in everyday life.

In addition, the doctor states that more weight puts more pressure on the bones and joints, which can lead to osteoarthritis in the patient – a disease that causes pain and stiffness in the joints, for example.

In particular, the head of the service of orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the Quironsalud San José and Quironsalud Valle del Henares hospitals points to the development of the following bone diseases associated with obesity:

  • Fibromyalgia. This condition, characterized by pain and fatigue in sore muscles, is associated with obesity; With it, pain can increase due to lack of sleep and a sedentary lifestyle, creating a negative cycle.
  • Osteoporosis. Although obesity is most often associated with being underweight, it can also cause osteoporosis; In fact, the expert notes that excess fat can alter calcium metabolism, leading to weakened bones.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: Joint inflammation is aggravated by excess weight, increasing stiffness and discomfort.
  • Lower back pain. Excess weight places additional stress on the spine, which increases the risk of low back pain and herniated discs.
  • Changes in gait. A sedentary lifestyle can change the biomechanics of your joints and limbs, affecting the way you walk.

Causes of obesity

As mentioned earlier, obesity has many causes, and according to Dr. Ghassan Elgeadi Saleh, the food industry plays a crucial role in them. “The proliferation of refined and ultra-processed foods has contributed to less healthy lifestyles. Modern daily routines also encourage a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, while fast food and lack of time promote unhealthy eating habits,” he laments.

It’s for all these reasons that this expert offers the following tips for maintaining bone health:

  • Maintain a balanced diet. A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is essential for healthy bones.
  • Exercise regularly: Physical activity, including weight lifting and walking, strengthens your bones and joints.
  • Control your weight: Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on your bones.
  • Pro Tip: It is extremely important to consult with doctors and nutritionists to develop a personalized plan.