From Donald Trump To Elon Musk, clear victory (with an advantage of more than 11 points) Javier Miley The second round of elections in Argentina caused a trail of international reaction.

Miley’s resounding victory this Sunday shocked and also divided the political world, not only in Latin America, with positions for and against the ultra-liberal economist, and even billionaire Elon Musk took sides and predicted a more prosperous future for the South American country under Miley’s hand.

Miley, 53, won with 55.69% of the vote over Peronist Sergio Massa (44.30%), an ally of former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who served as economy minister in Alberto Fernandez’s government for more than a year.

Colombia’s leftist President Gustavo Petro lamented that the “far right has won” in Argentina, to which he added that the election of Javier Miley as the next president was “sad news for Latin America.”

“The far right has won in Argentina; it is her society’s decision. It’s sad for Latin America, and we will see… neoliberalism no longer has anything to offer society, it cannot answer the current problems of humanity,” Petro said. on the social network X, reports Efe.

However, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, regarding Miley’s victory in Argentina, assured (without mentioning it) that “democracy is the voice of the people and must always be respected.”

“My congratulations to the Argentine institutions responsible for conducting the electoral process and to the Argentine people who participated in election day in an orderly and peaceful manner. I wish good luck and success to the new government. Argentina is a great country and deserves all our respect. “Brazil will always be ready to work together with our Argentine brothers,” he added.

Chilean President Gabriel Borich wrote about this.

Borich highlighted the “day of democracy” that Argentina experienced, adding: “As President of Chile, I will work tirelessly to ensure that our brotherly countries are united and cooperate for the common well-being of all.”

Support for Trump, Bolsonaro and Abascal

Former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021) congratulated Miley, a fan of the Republican, and said he was “proud” of his victory.

“Congratulations to Javier Miley on his excellent election as President of Argentina. The whole world was watching you! I am very proud of you,” Trump wrote on social media. “You will turn your country around and truly make Argentina great again.”

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, a political supporter of Javier Miley, joined the chorus of those applauding the ultra-liberal’s victory and affirmed that “hope is shining again in South America.”

Bolsonaro, who led the Brazilian executive from 2019 to 2023, said he hoped “these good winds will reach the United States and Brazil so that fairness, progress and freedom return for everyone.”

On the other side of the Atlantic, the leader of the Spanish far-right party Vox, Santiago Abascal, also congratulated Miley on his “great victory in the presidential elections in Argentina” and believed that it “opens the way to the future and hope for the future.” Argentines.” “Long live Spain, long live Argentina, live free from socialism and sovereign! @JMPresidente23,” concludes the Vox president.

Abascal believes that “a path of future and hope is opening up for Argentines”

The President of Peru also joined in congratulating Miley, saying that “Peru expresses its warm congratulations to Miley on his election as President of the Argentine Republic.”

“As we wish him the greatest success in his administration, he reaffirms his commitment to further strengthening the historic bonds of friendship and cooperation that unite our countries,” the Lima chief executive said.

In turn, Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado called Milea’s arrival at the Casa Rosada a triumph in the fight for “change” and “freedom” in Latin America.

“Congratulations to all Argentines for an exemplary electoral process and their elected President Javier Miley (…) for the fight for change and freedom in Latin America,” expressed Machado, a candidate in the 2024 Venezuelan presidential elections, in the X Democratic Unitary Platform ( PUD).

On the other side of the Rio de la Plata, Uruguay President Luis Lacalle Pou conveyed his greetings to Miley, to whom he informed that they “have something to work on together.”

“I salute President-elect Javier Miley. We have a lot to work together and improve our bilateral relations,” Lacalle Pou, who is in China on an official mission to the Asian giant, wrote in X.

At the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, also a Uruguayan, congratulated Miley on his victory and expressed his readiness to “strengthen ties” with the president-elect.

Musk joins in the congratulations

“From the OAS, we send our congratulations to President-elect Javier Miley for his victory and wish him success in his administration, which will begin in front of the Casa Rosada,” Almagro said online.

“We hope to continue strengthening ties of cooperation for prosperity and democracy in Argentina,” Almagro added.

The tech world has also spoken. Tycoon Elon Musk, owner

In one of his reply tweets to another dedicated to Milea’s victory, Musk wrote on his X account: “Prosperity awaits Argentina.”