This is one of the great Christmas traditions along with nougat and manger. Announcement about campofrio belonging Christmas -in addition to Lottery and nougat Almond- closest in effect to stains on super bowl in USA: These are the announcements people are most looking forward to and most eager to talk about. Many also immediately become memes on the Internet.

Announcement about campofrio started twelve years ago, in 2011 to be exact, and they have always treated current affairs with tenderness and humor. First led Alex de la Iglesia and titled “Meeting“, it was about whether it is possible to treat with humor the difficult economic situation still going through with the consequences of the crisis 2008 still kicking then in front of the grave Miguel Gila and meditated on “what falls”.

This idea has been revived now, 12 years later, probably because the uncertainty is as strong as it was then. On this occasion, an announcement titled “Heritage“is based on reflections on what we will leave for our near and future generations in these times when we are bombarded with news that is becoming increasingly catastrophic, from runaway inflation to blazing geopolitics. The state of “collapse”, as it is called locally.

What will we leave for future generations?

“Given the events that surround us, let’s imagine that today we had to make a will: what would we leave behind?” two notaries, played by actors, ask. Carlos Areses (which has already appeared in previous Campofrío advertisements) and Marion Teres.

Famous characters begin to circulate before them. First – actor Antonio de la Torre, who muses that with so much uncertainty all around us, we’ve lost our longing for “something as ours as enjoying life”. Then there are faces known as an actress Maribel Verdu or Edu Sotopassing through a journalist Monica Carrillo. There are also young faces, like a streamer Illo Juan.

star performances

Undoubtedly, the most surprising appearance Tamara Falko and football player Iker Casillaswho laugh at themselves. The former claims that she has lost “faith… in the couple”, referring to her recent and very indirect break with Inigo Onieva. Iker CasillasFor his part, much criticized lately for his appearances on social media, he also takes the opportunity to add humor to the situation and assures in advertising that he will not leave anything to anyone, “they will spend it later.”

Unsurprisingly, these two performances were the most reproduced in advertising, but it would be unfair not to highlight the rest. Announcement about campofrio it is always a choral work, or at least that’s how the creators intended it, Monica Moreau D Raquel Martinezcreative directors It’s freea company responsible for advertising since its inception.

On this occasion, in addition to the stellar cast, there were also 50 extras and a tech team of 90, all of them coordinating to bring us the beautiful Christmas message: it is in the face of the adversity of the moment and there is certainly a lot of it, we must muster up the courage and see face it. Or at least bear it with the best of humor.