Pope Francis asked the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, which he was unable to attend due to health reasons, to abandon “the narrow particularism and nationalism, the patterns of the past” in order to achieve “the necessary global environmental policies.” conversion”.

“Although from a distance, I am following the work of Cop28 in Dubai very closely. read by one of his colleagues due to pneumonia from which he is recovering.

The pontiff, who had to suspend his trip to Dubai for the summit due to medical advice, prayed to the Angelus for the second Sunday in a row at his Casa Santa Marta residence.

“Let us emerge from the narrowness of particularism and nationalism, models of the past, and embrace a common vision, dedicating ourselves now, without delay, to the necessary global ecological transformation,” the pontiff stressed.

Money from weapons against hunger

This Saturday at COP28, Francis renewed his request to create a fund with money used for weapons production, to fight hunger and promote measures that serve to combat climate change, in a speech read by his Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

“Let’s put aside differences and join forces! And, with God’s help, let us emerge from the night of war and environmental destruction to transform our common future into a bright dawn,” he said.

And today he once again called for unity together with Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, to stop climate change, end wars and ensure world peace, because if conflicts continue, it will be impossible to protect the Earth. in a video message at the opening of the Faith Pavilion.

Thousands of the faithful followed the Pope’s words on television this Sunday on screens installed in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Angelus’ usual place of prayer.