At least four people were killed and 42 people were injured this Sunday after an explosion occurred during a Catholic mass in Marawisouthern Philippines

The explosion, the culprit of which is unknown, occurred around 7:00 am local time (GMT +8) in a gym in the city. University of Mindanao Where religious event attended by dozens of people.

Many of the participants were university studentsnoted the investigative authorities Aliasgar Binaning noting that authorities have launched an operation to establish who is behind the attack, the news portal Rappler reported.

In its turn, Mamintal AdiongThe governor of Lanao del Sur, whose capital is Marawi, called the incident an act of terrorism.

“In my province, we protect basic human rights, including the right to religion. terrorist attacks in educational institutions They should also be condemned because they are places that promote a culture of peace and mold our youth into the future trainers of this country,” Adiong said in a statement posted on Facebook before visiting a hospital where the wounded are being treated.

Lanao del Sur Regional Government Representative: Jenny Tamanoincreased the death toll to four dead and 42 injured, the aforementioned media reported.

The University of Mindanao is “deeply saddened and shocked by the act of violence that occurred during a religious gathering,” the university said in a statement on Facebook.

“We unequivocally and in the strongest possible terms condemn this terrible and senseless act,” the educational institution emphasized when announcing the suspension of classes until further notice.

“We are working closely with local authorities and law enforcement to investigate this incident and bring those responsible to justice,” the university said.

In 2017, Marawi became the site of an incident. bloody confrontation between jihadist groups linked to the Islamic State (IS) partially captured the city on May 23, where they entered with IS flags and banners.

For five months, the Philippine army fought the extremists street by street until they managed to liberate the city, in a battle that killed more than 1,200 people – 978 jihadists, 168 soldiers and 87 civilians.

The southern island of Mindanao, home to nearly 20 percent of the Muslim population, has for decades been the scene of conflict between the government and various extremist groups, including a jihadist organization. Abu Sayyaf And Maute Groupboth are connected to IS.

The Marawi bombing came two days after 11 suspected terrorist group members Daula Islamia and its leader died during fighting in the mountainous region of Maguindanao del Sur province, in southwestern Mindanao.