While it is a global phenomenon that requires an international response consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement, combating climate change also requires coordinated action at the national, regional and local levels across all sectors of society and society.

To contribute to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal, Spain has committed to achieving climate neutrality throughout its territory by 2050 in its Law 7/2021 on Climate Change and Energy Transition. To this end, she proposed achieving a series of emissions reductions. goals, promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency, which have been strengthened since the last update National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC). However, due to the blurred distribution of powers in energy and climate change under the Spanish Constitution of 1978, achieving neutrality is a shared responsibility between the state, autonomous communities and local entities, which will only become known through good multilateral relations. a management level equipped with effective channels of cooperation and mutual support between the three levels of management.

Most autonomous communities have adopted regional energy and climate strategies and/or plans that commit to achieving climate and energy goals by 2030.

As we know, Spain is a very diverse country in which each territory represents a specific climatic and socio-economic context that requires strategic actions and differentiated solutions to transition to a low-carbon economy, hand in hand with an orderly energy transition. Recognizing this, since 2019 most autonomous communities have adopted regional energy and climate strategies and/or plans in which they commit to achieving climate and energy goals by 2030 and even achieving climate neutrality in their territories, as in the case of Canary Islands (2040), and from Balearic Islands, Galicia, Basque Country, Navarre, Asturias and Valencian Community (2050). In addition, eight regions—Andalusia, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Valencian Community, Navarre, Catalonia, Galicia and Basque Country.— already have, or are about to adopt, regional energy and climate laws that reinforce the binding nature of their commitments and roadmaps. Now, as we have already said, the fight against climate change requires going a step further and acting at the local level, and in Spain the 8,131 existing municipalities are gaining particular prominence, since without their contribution it will be impossible to meet the climate change and energy obligations in the regions where they are located.

In this climate context, the need to promote renewable energy sources is undeniable. However, the massive deployment of these infrastructures can cause irreversible damage to biodiversity and the area. Thus, the above-mentioned regional planning tools are essential to ensure orderly and sustainable deployment of forces.

In this sense, Castilla la Mancha It was one of the first autonomous communities to decide to combine renewable energy with biodiversity and territory. The 2030 Energy Strategic Plan’s strategic environmental study examines in detail the potential impacts of wind and photovoltaic technologies and measures to mitigate or offset those impacts. In addition, using as a basis a mapping tool provided by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Issues, Castilla-La Mancha has developed two zoning maps to divide its territory into different zones depending on their suitability for the installation of wind and photovoltaic parks (areas susceptible to special environmental requirements). regulation; potentially suitable but with environmental limitations; and suitable areas). In addition, this region is worth mentioning because it has special rules establishing exclusion zones in which wind farms should not be allowed to be built.

It is extremely important that the regional administration and, above all, city councils have sufficient knowledge, technical and financial resources.

Another example of particular interest is that of Canary Islands, with more than half of its territory under protection, the reconciliation between land occupation and biodiversity protection is a fundamental issue. The Canary Islands Energy Transition Plan (PTCan-2030) comprehensively addresses this issue by conducting a geospatial analysis for each renewable technology to determine whether installed capacity projections are territorially feasible. Based on this research, the Canary Islands have defined zoning to designate regions of the archipelago where it would in principle be feasible to create renewable parks. Another interesting planning tool is the Marine Renewable Energy Strategy, which, among other things, develops measures to use marine space already affected by other ports and aquaculture activities to install renewable infrastructure.

All this is just an example of the political will and numerous successes taking place in different territories of Spain. However, in order for the climate and energy policies adopted by Spain to be truly effective and lead us to the desired climate neutrality, it is important that the regional administration and, above all, city councils have the knowledge and sufficient technical and financial resources to be able to implement its strategies into practice and respond to the specific needs, risks and challenges of each territory. Without resources and adequate inter-administrative cooperation, achieving the goals set by Law 7/2021 will be difficult to achieve.


Alba Iranzo and Marta Vicioso They are environmental lawyers and consultants to the International Institute of Law and the Environment (IIDMA).