“We weren’t even accommodated Government; They didn’t even give us deputy press secretary; they don’t even let us interfere in debate“In short, this is the basis of Podemos’ decision to abandon the Sumar acronym, and it is a very good basis.

Because the absence Yolanda Diaz For someone for whom he was a mentor and protector, the end of ’19 was one of a kind. From the first minute she wanted to free herself from his guardianship, without which she would be nothing today, and she was preparing to free herself even from his shadow. He really betrayed Pablo Iglesias to such an extent that I didn’t even want to talk to him. Why if you already have what you need?

But representatives of Podemos – what is left of Podemos, which is already very small due to its sectarianism – decided to leave the Sumar coalition, which still has no solid structure and may never will have it. This creates a problem, no less, for Pedro Sanchez.

Now he will have to negotiate with Younts, with ERC, with BNGA, with Sumar, with E.H. Build, with the PNV, with the Canary Coalition… and with Podemos. But everyone’s approaches are very different. PNV and EH Bildu share common interests when it comes to regional powers, but have conflicting interests in financial and business matters.

The same thing happens with Junts and ERC, which share the amnesty law but have completely different approaches to economic issues. BNGa belongs to the radical left, as does Podemos, and at the center of it all is Soumar, who has a leading voice as she occupies the second post of vice-president of the government.

There he will press Nadia Calvino who better go to the EIB (European Investment Bank) ASAP if she doesn’t want Yolanda Diaz to take her with her. But the biggest loser in this matter is the Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez that he will have to please everyone, and every day it becomes more difficult.

In any case, there is a clamor within the Socialist ranks that Yolanda Díaz is being blamed for failing to keep the PSOE left united, with consequences that have already been seen and which we will likely continue to see. in the future because Sumar. He has no solution, only the name of the vice president as glue for regional parties. And this is very little.

There is a rumor circulating among the socialists that Yolanda Díaz is being reproached for failing to maintain the unity of the leftist forces of the PSOE.

Podemos representatives have already stated that they are not interested in disrupting a “progressive” government, especially since where they are going to go costs more. But that there is a desire to avenge the neglect they suffered as members of Sumar is beyond doubt.

Therefore, all initiatives led by Yolanda Diaz will be looked at through a magnifying glass and likely multiplied in an effort to achieve what Ms. Diaz does not dare to do. If the minimum wage has to be raised, Podemos intends to increase it even further. If measures need to be taken to protect women victims of gender-based violence, Podemos members are going to push them to the limit.

Don’t forget that now that they are the majority in the Mixed Group (since the ERC and Junts received a gift of credit from the PSOE MPs to form their own group), they will have more time to debate and raise their questions because their approaches are very far apart from Sumar’s approaches.

That is, at control meetings they will be able to ask the Government oral questions; They can make proposals of a legal and non-legal nature; and in the Congressional Press Room, enter the usual apportionment shifts.

The decision to split from Sumar suits Podemos. The one who does not serve the interests of the president is the one who will be very costly if the Sumar dissidents are considered defectors, because then all the privileges now received will turn out to be a denial.

But the worst thing is that Sanchez will be in the minority in the House of Representatives.