A 39 year old man was arrested after death of a 34-year-old woman due to the stabbing and fall of his daughter, a minor under 13 years old, from the second floor into the patio of a house in Sagunta (Valencia).

National Police agents are investigating whether this is possible case of gender-based violenceas confirmed Europe Press research sources.

A 34-year-old woman died from a stab wound, and her daughter, who fell from the second floor into the patio farm, is a minor under the age of 13. After these events, a 39-year-old man was arrested.

The events took place on Wednesday afternoon and the National Police have launched an investigation. investigation to clarify the circumstances of the incident.

Sources in the investigation reported this. Europe Press that agents found the woman already dead and the minor was taken to the hospital. Regarding the latter, it is being investigated whether the fall he suffered was accidental or, on the contrary, it was provoked.