Here it comes again Santos Cerdanwith his appearance as a fabric salesman, a shoe salesman, or an old hotel bellhop too old to carry luggage Puigdemont, which looks like a marquise with thousands of hatboxes and birdcages. There Santos Cerdan sets off again, this time to Geneva, with his suitcase already packed, his suitcase as a casual tourist, with a gray suit, his grandfather’s toiletry bag, hospital pajamas, fruit salts and carpet samples for Puigdemont (the self-made messiah of the East, like a fortune teller in a turban, then fat and Vatican-like, like a cardinal on a stretcher, and you have to be prepared for everything he asks). Santos Cerdan, dedicated and secretive, fast and slow, like a musketeer’s servant, seems to me much more interesting than Puigdemont. Puigdemont, after all, always comes to say and ask for the same thing, but here comes a man who looks like a representative of a dog or a milkman with a donkey and speaks on behalf of the government. he wears a hatillo and a rosary, like a pilgrim to the Holy Land, and that makes all the difference.