Home World “Megaoperation” carries out more than 100 orders in 22 municipalities of the South Caucasus

“Megaoperation” carries out more than 100 orders in 22 municipalities of the South Caucasus

“Megaoperation” carries out more than 100 orders in 22 municipalities of the South Caucasus

Mega-operation “Sodalitas Finis” started on Tuesday morning (22). The actions of the prosecutor’s office of Haxima / SC are aimed at eliminating one of the largest criminal organizations operating in Santa Catarina.

The mega-operation was fulfilling orders in Chapeco. On Tuesday morning (22) the mega operation began. – Photo: Geovan Petri/NDTV

In several cities in Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, 74 preventive arrest warrants, 5 provisional arrest warrants and 97 search and arrest warrants were served.

The work is carried out by 470 employees of the civil, military, criminal, federal traffic police, the aviation battalion of the military police of Lages and the border air police service. The Science Police and the Chapeco Municipal Guard also provide support for the operation.

The facts are being investigated as part of a criminal investigation (PEC) initiated by the 2nd Prosecutor’s Office of Hasim District, the purpose of which is to investigate the activities of a criminal organization and a number of other crimes.

Search and arrest warrants and arrest warrants are enforced in: Jacim, Chapeco, Chanchera, Aguas de Chapeco, Campos Novos, Catanduvas, Coronel Freitas, Formosa do Sul, Joazaba, Casadore, Barra Velha, Biguaçu, Blumenau, Itajai, Balneario Camboriu, Balneario. Pizarras, Lajes, Ponte Alta, Peña, Tubaran, Venancio Aires/RS and Lajeado/RS.

The actions of the prosecutor's office of Haxima / SC are aimed at eliminating one of the largest criminal organizations operating in Santa Catarina.  - Geovan Petri/Reproduction/ND
The actions of the prosecutor’s office of Haxima / SC are aimed at eliminating one of the largest criminal organizations operating in Santa Catarina. – Geovan Petri/Reproduction/ND

According to Gaeko, the criminal organization is responsible for serious crimes, including large-scale drug trafficking, murders, robberies and others.  - Gaeco/Reproduction/ND
According to Gaeko, the criminal organization is responsible for serious crimes, including large-scale drug trafficking, murders, robberies and others. – Gaeco/Reproduction/ND

The work is carried out by 470 law enforcement officers.  - Gaeco/Reproduction/ND
The work is carried out by 470 law enforcement officers. – Gaeco/Reproduction/ND

Mega Operation Sodalitas Finis:

The name “Sodalitas Finis”, or loosely translated ending of the group, was chosen with the aim of eliminating the activities of this criminal organization in the city of Haxim.

According to Gaeko, the criminal organization is responsible for serious crimes, including large-scale drug trafficking, murders, robberies and others.

Source: Ndmais


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