Coin (Malaga) local police arrested a man on charges of abusing his former partner, whom agents found hidden in a closet in the house, from where he alerted a friend to what was happening.

Police sources told EFE that the events took place on the night of October 9, when a woman contacted her friend via WhatsApp for help and reported this to the municipal police, who, having arrived at the apartment, discovered the alleged victim of the violence hidden. in the closet.

The woman, who was “very frightened” and had a panic attack, was taken to a medical center for a medical examination.

After these events, operatives arrested the woman’s former partner, who was subject to at least one restraining order, and he was prosecuted.

It so happened that the operatives arrived at the same address some time ago by wary neighbors who claimed to have heard loud noises in the apartment under investigation.

The police showed up at the house, although he left shortly after talking to the man, who downplayed the noise and assured that he was living alone.