The National Police officers detained a 56-year-old man. flow (Valencia) on charges of murdering his 88-year-old mother. They found the old woman dead on her bed next to a pool of blood, covered with a sheet, her face covered in bruises and wounds.

It happened on October 7 in the municipality of Valencia. The man required medical attention at the house where he lived with his mother and said she could have died, the Police Headquarters said in a statement.

When medical services arrived at the house, the toilets alerted room 091 and told agents that an elderly woman had died in the house with facial injuries next to a pool of blood.

The police immediately went to the house and questioned the victim’s son, who stated that he woke up during the night and if he went into his mother’s bedroom, he would have found her dead.

He said he had spasms.

In addition, he added that the day before, the eighty-year-old, apparently, had suffered seizures. spasms with which he would hit the ground, injuring his face.

Entering the room, the police officers noticed the lifeless body of an old woman on the bed, covered with a sheet, although her face was open, full of wounds and bruises, so they notified the judicial commission that they had begun to raise the corpse.

The Provincial Judicial Police Brigade’s Homicide Investigation Team took over the investigation and found that an octogenarian man had died a violent death.

After a police investigation, agents arrested the victim’s son, a 56-year-old Spaniard, as the alleged perpetrator of the murder. This morning, the detainee, who was registered with the police, appeared before the court.