Severe and unexpected failure for Rafael Amargo. The Provincial Court of Madrid rules immediate entry into the temporary prison To violation of precautionary measures after he failed to appear in court every 15 days and realized he was a flight risk for a trial due in April next year for alleged drug sales at his previous apartment in the Malasanya area of ​​the capital.

According to legal sources, Europe Pressthe artist would be at this moment indungeons of the Provincial Court I’ve been waiting since the morning to be sent to Soto del Real prisonwhere he will enter this afternoon.

The jail order was agreed yesterday after an Article 30 jail hearing was held between the parties as a result of Amargo’s breach of a bond he was required to sign at the court nearest his home. Apparently, the bailor asked to sign in the provincial court of Madrid, but failed to do so on several occasions – arguing that he felt harassed by the press – which led to this hearing.

At the hearing, a representative of the Madrid prosecutor’s office asked to be sent to prison for violation of safety precautions and flight risk until the trial in this case, which will take place in April, for which the dancer faces 9 years in prison on charges of drug trafficking and a crime against public health.

The pledgor’s lawyer admitted that the other defendant, Eduardo is the one who never signed the contract. and yesterday, when there was a preliminary hearing, a fifth lawyer appeared and, in the end, believes that the righteous paid for the sinners, and Eduardo’s bad behavior ultimately influenced Rafael Amargo.

Now the step you are about to take is file an appealthat they have three days to prepare him, to try to get him out of prison. Yesterday was the last time the two spoke, since he had not been able to see or accompany him since he arrived in Soto del Real this morning.

Another case of alleged drug trafficking

Investigating Judge No. 27 of Madrid is also investigating the artist on charges of drug trafficking and attack on government. complaint filed last July by his neighbors in connection with the alleged sale of drugs in his apartment on Espirito Santo Street in the capital.

In connection with these events, he was arrested in March last year upon arriving in Alicante to perform in a city restaurant and was released on conditional release. The judge ordered him to appear in court every two weeks and banned him from leaving the country. This arrest is in addition to those in a case currently being heard in a Madrid court..