four years ago Queen Letizia didn’t wear a flower tiaraa precious historical piece of platinum and diamonds, made in 1876. Parisian jeweler Mellerio who created it at the request of Alfonso XII. That is, the great-grandfather of King Juan Carlos I.

Floral tiara consisting of three flowers, presumably can be divided and used as a brooch and/or necklace, disappeared after the campaign against Spain Alfonso XII. It is assumed that He was sold after the death of Maria Christina in 1929 and the exile of the former monarch due to the Second Republic. However, after the wedding of Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofia on May 14, 1962, spectacular gem returned to the Spanish royal familywho had not yet reigned.

Gala Dinner
Gala Dinner “Three Kings” in honor of the President and First Lady of Colombia at the Royal Palace.

How did the flower tiara return to the Spanish royal family?

Was Franco’s government, which purchased the tiara to give to him to a Greek princess on the occasion of her marriage to Juan Carlos. Doña Sofia used the flower tiara on several occasions, as well as Infanta Cristina wore it for her wedding to Inaki Urdangarin in 1997. It is now clear that she one of Queen Letizia’s favoritesbecause this dress has been worn the most since she married Don Felipe.

He last wore it in 2019, during gala dinner with the President of Peru And his wife. For the occasion, Doña Letizia wore a princess dress by Felipe Varela, which she already wore in 2011 to one of the celebrations before the wedding of Guillermo and Kate in the United Kingdom.

The Queen combined the tiara with a brooch that belonged to Maria Christina of Austria.
The Queen combined the tiara with a brooch that belonged to Maria Christina of Austria.

Another piece of jewelry that Letizia took from the royal jeweler.

But now, Queen Letizia added another plugin royal in his attire for a gala dinner with the President and First Lady of Colombia. A brooch never worn by Don Felipe’s wife. and which also belonged to Maria Christina de Austria.

This bow-shaped item, adorned with diamonds, later fell into the hands of Doña Sofía. Last seen this The Queen of Honor had a brooch in February 2009 at a dinner in honor of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, President of Argentina. In fact, she wore it as Doña Letizia with a floral tiara.