Louise Rodriguez He passed away on Monday, February 27, at the age of 73. Famous businessman’s wife Felix Revueltacreator of the Naturhouse empire, said goodbye due to lung cancer. He battled the disease for over two yearsso it was a very hearty farewell.

Louise was an Asturian, but cmet Felix Revuelta when he lived and worked in Barcelona.. Their first meeting was at a Civil Guard party and together they created the Naturhouse chain.

The couple were very in love and close, and all the time they thought about new projects despite the difficulties they have faced in recent years.

Friends and relatives support the family

On Wednesday, family friends came to cover for Felix Revuelta at the funeral, which took place at the sacramental cemetery of San Justo in Madrid.

From Monday to Wednesday, his mortal remains remained in Funeral Home of San Isidro, in Madrid. Until then, many familiar faces have come to express their full support for Felix, a much loved person in our country. Among them were Louis del Olmo With his wife mercedes gonzalez, Paul is married, Jose Maria Aznar, Kuka Gamarra, Cristina Tarrega or Suzanne Griso.

Also Pedro J. Ramirez and his wife Cruz Sanchezvery close friends of Felix and Louise, who dedicated the following words to them: “Louise was one of the best people I have ever met and she was nice. Louise had a good lifeher and everyone around her because she cared about making it possible,” Cruz admitted especially sadly.

“Was born in very humble family and indeed, in difficult times, in a small town. Indeed, this is an example of a man who is the fruit of his efforts,” commented Pedro X. about his friend Felix.