Host Carlos Alsina opened the weekly guest list at El Hormiguero this Monday to complete Radio Day celebrations as he presents Más de uno on Onda Cero. As expected, Pablo Motos wanted to investigate the communicator’s political interviews.

He was ironic about the absence of Pedro Sanchez in his program. “It seems to me an anomaly that the chairman of the government of my country, being in power for three and a half years, gave only interviews to the radio station. It is not normal. It doesn’t go to any other radio station. It’s not Angel Barcelo’s fault, if the president comes to his program, he won’t complain, but it’s not normal,” he said, clearly referring to La Ser from the Prisa group.

Sánchez’s absence from the Más de uno is especially noteworthy, according to the guest, because a close friend of the president told him that he would arrive soon, which never happened.

“In September of this year, a very important person from his entourage expressed a desire to have coffee with me. We drank coffee and this man told me that a decision had been made in the presidency to have the president give an interview to your program. I asked when it was, and they told me that if not in September, then in October. What day is it today? I think we are in February. The given word is missing, and this does not help to believe in what is being said, ”he recalled with annoyance.

Mariano Rajoy, on the other hand, has visited his set several times. However, without a satisfactory result. As the communicator recalled, he always had the feeling that he was not able to “get anything out of him”, although he liked the unexpected phrases of the Galician ex-politician.
This is not the only thing that Alsina commented to the Prime Minister.

The journalist also reflected on how difficult it was sometimes for him to place himself on the ideological spectrum. “It depends on the month, the year and the pre-election situation in which we are. In the 2019 election campaign, he has positions that are almost indistinguishable from those he had this weekend. I disagree with the statement that being left means believing what the leader of the left says. Change the Criminal Code to eliminate the crime of rebellion, I don’t know what’s on the left,” he said.