Fleetwood Mac vocalist and keyboardist, Christine McVie, author of some of the British band’s most famous songs.passed away this Wednesday at the age of 79, according to a statement from his family.

“We would like to say that everyone holds Christine in their hearts and remembers the life of an incredible person and revered musician whom everyone loved,” the letter, collected by British radio and television, is quoted as saying. BBC.

The McVie family detailed that the death of the artist comes after a “short illness”. McVie was part of the band for 27 years, from 1971 to 1998, although it is true that in 2014 he announced his return to the musical formation.

Fleetwood Mac also released a statement in which they conveyed their “sorrow” at McVie’s death that, in his words, she was “really one of a kind, special and talented.”

“It was the best music anyone could play in their band. and the best friend that no one could have in life,” the group said in their profile on the social network Instagram.

Some of the band’s most prominent songs, such as Everywhere, Don’t Stop or Songbird, were written by the late British vocalist and keyboardist.