The two cards that Leopoldo Alas Clarin wrote to Emilia Pardo Bazan in 1887 and 1889.about which until now there was no documentary evidence in the investigative actions based on his correspondence, will be included in the legacy of the author Regent kept in the Asturian Library in Oviedo.

The relevance of both authors, good preservation and difficulty in finding unpublished correspondence and unpublished between Clarin and Pardo Bazán prompted the Asturian government to decide on the lot to be auctioned by Soler y Llach Auctions in Barcelona, ​​which includes a third letter written by lawyer, philologist and journalist Juan Manuel Orti y Lara to the author of the book. Los Pasos de Ulloa.

In the first letter, dated 1887, Clarin informs her friend that she has just read the third volume of her work Revolución. and Roman in Russia and spares no praise for his work.

The second letter is dated September 9, 1889 and in it Clarin regrets not being able to stretch as much as he would like, and confesses to Pardo Bazan: “These days, nerves drive me crazy.”

Letters reflect the close friendship that both authors maintained before Clarine vehemently criticized the Galician author and publicly opposed her admission to the Royal Spanish Academy, and there is still no sign of this rupture to the extent that, Alas, asks the writer for cooperation.

two parts will be included in the collections of the Library of Asturias which may have the best collection of clarinian in the worldboth for the number of its editions in all languages, and for the preservation of the Leopoldo Alas library and a significant number of manuscripts.

The Library of Asturias is also the repository of the Clarin library and documents, including furniture from the office of Leopoldo Alas and about 755 documents, most of which are books, but also include some papers or telegrams.

Also, in 2010, an agreement was signed with Clarin’s descendants to deposit documentary and bibliographic heritage. from the archive of Tolivar Alas, which contains, among other materials, about 300 books and documents by Leopoldo Alas, including various manuscripts, including that of La Regenta.

The room dedicated to the author in the Library of Asturias, located in the emblematic library next to the emblematic Plaza del Fontan in the capital of Asturias, also includes a notary’s office, deposited by a private individual, which was used by Clarin and his family on the family farm in Guimarana where the writer spent a long time.