Students of the Alfonso X El Sabio University are advancing in creation of a digital twin of the Villanueva de la Cañada campusa remarkable attempt to analyze and standardize data over an area of ​​more than 10 hectares.

As part of this project and using the new UAXmaker methodology, students developed autonomous smart car able to guide visitors and accompany people with sensory impairments around the university campus.

The car was defined, modeled, assembled and tested by a multidisciplinary team of engineering students PhD in Industrial Design, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering who worked with Avanade, a leading provider of consulting, digital and cloud services that has its Innovation Space (LAB) at UAX facilities.

This project is part of Alfonso’s educational model. the possibility of cooperation in solving it with colleagues of different levels while establishing contacts with the business world.

The development of this rover is part of an even larger project – the creation of a digital twin of the Alfonso X el Sabio University campus in Villanueva de la Cañada. It means that the university will have a virtual model which reproduces space, and with the help of tools like this autonomous car, collect and analyze data improve management of its resources and ensure campus sustainability.

According to Ramon Miranda, technology innovation specialist in Europe at Avanade, this initiative “creates a direct link between the university and companies, creating a scenario in which we can collaborate directly with students, work with them and learn about their best qualities as professionals. For us, this method is a source of learning for innovative and restless young people, as well as a source of talent.”

“Such projects with the support of a company of the level of Avanade, They allow us to think of practical solutions to problems that we will face in everyday life once we graduate. Thanks to this experience, we will be much better prepared and have more skills to develop in the business world,” says Jesus Jimenez, mechanical engineering student at UAX.



This methodology promotes collaborative and interdisciplinary work models, with teams consisting of students of different degrees replicating the working system of the work environment. In addition, during the development of projects, students have direct contact with the real needs of companies and their specialists, while generating innovative solutions and developing fundamental teamwork skills in their subsequent professional development.

Here, UAX takes another step in its co-creation strategy Together with leading companies, we train resilient specialists who work effectively in multidisciplinary teams.

The challenges companies have set and where they are making significant progress span industries as diverse as space, healthcare, law or marketing. Through this, UAX integrates its methodology into all educational areas, empowering its students and preparing them to impact the society of the future.