Lerida shuts off the water supply. This will be from today Saturday until next Tuesday due to the drought emergency.

According to the General Society of Canal Irrigators, from Tuesday the hydrants will be opened at the request of each of the irrigators, and on this day the maximum monthly volume corresponding to each irrigator.

The purpose of this measure is reach the end of the campaign with a guaranteed minimum amount of water to feed the trees, in the absence of additional contributions from the Rialb reservoir, “in the least dramatic way.”

The volume stored in the Oliana-Rialb System in the absence of rain, taking into account supply of the population, farms and survival of trees, cannot guarantee any other use of water. For this reason, the Segarra Garrigues Irrigation Community has decided to close the water for a few days, because despite the fact that this Saturday the ponds of Segarra Garrigues are filled with water from the ponds located from sector 1 to 9.2.-15 a full campaign of any sector cannot be guaranteed.

New crops will not be irrigated

The goal of Segarra-Garrigues irrigators is save the trees by giving the minimum amount of water to ensure their existence. Among the measures taken to this end, in addition to a general shutdown of water until Tuesday (with the exception of farms), from April 28, no water will be supplied to any crops sown or planted.

starting from tuesday strictly necessary water will be supplied for the conservation of tree crops, based on the recommendations of the Institute for Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA).

Each irrigation sector has its own characteristics, and they can be very different, and depending on the volume of the basins and the degree of development of irrigation, water reduction for trees varies greatly and in some cases even extreme.

Regarding farmsthey are guaranteed deliveries from May to August in the same volume as in 2022.not higher.

As of Tuesday this Open hydrants at the request of everyone irrigators by calling Aigües del Segarra-Garrigues (ASG) on 973.50.20.20.

The Irrigation Community ensures that if new canal revenues become available, they should be used to reduce the reduction in the hardest-hit floors, with reductions in excess of 70%.