Home Health & Fitness Goodbye hair loss! 5 tips to keep your hair strong on cold days

Goodbye hair loss! 5 tips to keep your hair strong on cold days

Goodbye hair loss!  5 tips to keep your hair strong on cold days

Are you suffering from hair loss? In the cold season, hair loss often increases due to less sun exposure, which can negatively affect the health of the hair and scalp.

Hair loss is typical for the autumn-winter period.Are you losing your hair? Moisturizing and a balanced diet are essential to keep hair healthy during the coldest seasons of the year. Photo: Freepik/Disclosure/ND

Dr. Anna Carolina Moura Tomasini, dermatologist and franchisee of the Novofio hair transplant and treatment chain, explains that at this time of the year, hair strands tend to be more aggressive.

“When it’s cold, we tend to take hotter showers and use the blow dryer more often, dehydrating our hair and making the strands more brittle,” Tomasini explains about hair loss.

Hair Loss: Check out 5 tips to keep your hair strong

1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet

To maintain health and prevent hair loss, it is essential to eat a balanced and healthy diet, as food choices can directly affect hair health. It is recommended to include foods rich in protein, iron, zinc and vitamins A, C and E in the diet, which help maintain healthy and strong hair. In addition, it is important to drink enough water to keep the scalp hydrated.

2. Massage the scalp

Performing a scalp massage can be helpful in improving circulation and stimulating hair growth, preventing hair loss. A simple technique is to gently massage the scalp with your fingertips for a few minutes a day, such as before bed.

3. Avoid excessive use of dryer and iron.

Excessive exposure to heat can harm the health of your hair, making it more brittle. It is recommended that you avoid frequent use of flat irons and hair dryers and, if possible, allow your hair to dry naturally. If such equipment is to be used, it is important to apply thermal protection to the wires in advance to minimize damage caused by excessive heat.

4. Moisturize your hair regularly

Moisturizing is a key aspect of keeping hair healthy and preventing hair loss. It is wise to invest in nourishing hair masks and carry out weekly moisturizing to keep the hair well hydrated and strengthened.

5. See a Hair Loss Specialist

If you notice that your hair loss is more pronounced than usual, it is important to see a dermatologist to assess the condition of your hair and scalp. These specialists can recommend certain treatments to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Source: Ndmais


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