KeyZell It became the first biotech company to host a token generation event (TGE) under the K2Z Utility Token project, with a maximum supply of 2,000 million tokens and 200,000 NFTs.

More and more business seek funding through TGE, which is becoming a common practice in the crypto space. This project intends to release a useful fungible token for receiving the services of its artificial intelligence system for precision medicine, as well as another non-fungible industrial property token of this AI, designated IP-NFT (Industrial Property-NFT) by KeyZell.

The company explained that this issuance of tokens will allow them to continue promoting their cancer-fighting project and operate in a secure environment as they operate on blockchain technology.

According to the latest study published by the IQVIA Institute “Global Cancer Trends 2021”, it is assumed that By 2025, the global cancer drug market will reach $269 billion.. It is led by the US with 42%, followed by the top five European markets: Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Spain.

Nearly 10 million people died from cancer in 2020, with more than 19 million new cases added each year worldwide. Every year, the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s mortality and morbidity projections are exceeded, and given these data, it is not surprising that in a short time, one in three men and one in four women will be diagnosed with this disease worldwide. his life. Also, The global incidence is increasing due to the aging of the population. and an increase in risk factors.

TSE and cancer

The KeyZell K2Z Utility Token project is a model supported by the “democratization of its industrial property” in the NFT format, and the company, supported by an “international” management and research group, highlights the essence.

This project aims to make itself known among patients and be a way to really reach those who need it, rather than using it as “just a speculative investment.” NFTs are configured to generate or create payments on any future token transfers.

This type of payment will be automated using a smart contract in the NFT, where the issuer can track the next transfers (resales) registered on the blockchain where the NFT is produced.

“KeyZell’s goal with the token is to bring personalized cancer diagnosis service closer to precision medicine and provide patients with the opportunity to receive new tokens through NFT every year to use them with AI. In doing so, we want to continue developing our KeyZell OPS project, a machine learning-based tool that selects the best treatment for each individual patient,” said KeyZell CEO José de Corral.

A company awaiting the start of human clinical trials for breast and lung cancer has an artificial intelligence system in the commercialization phase, a “future guarantee for generating” cash flow “and, above all, a guarantee for those investors who are looking for top-notch projects such as like K2Z Token.