Never in the history of Spain have we had such a wealthy government, never before has the public treasury been so full: 240 billion euros in treasury revenues until last November. Yet Spaniards are getting poorer every day, with 4.8 million people living in extreme poverty on less than 6,300 euros a year. They make up 10.2% of the population. Help for them from the government is a check for 200 euros a year, hardly 5 euros per person and per month, it doesn’t reach alms, it’s an insult. The government has 33 billion extra revenue it didn’t expect or spend, while Spanish household income fell 6.7% in three years, the biggest loss in purchasing power of any OECD country.

Catastrophic economic management Nadia Calvino D Sanchez This keeps us in last place among the countries that still have not reached the level of 2019 before the pandemic, and we will not reach it until 2024. Five years wasted and data correctly handled by most media in exchange for millions in government subsidies.

The government congratulates itself on good economic data obtained by insulting the intelligence of any economist, they say that we create more jobs than anyone else, although the truth is that we do not create net employment, but only government and temporary employment ( now fixed).

The real economy of Spain tells us that only 16.4 million self-employed and salaried workers support salaries, pensions and assistance to the remaining 31 million Spaniards.

The real economy tells us that only 16.4 million self-employed and salaried workers support salaries, pensions and assistance to the remaining 31 million Spaniards.

We also have more than 3 million who receive state wages among civil servants, labor personnel, deputies, senators, regional parliamentarians, foundations, consortiums and other government entities that we all pay, the highest figure in twenty years, almost 20% employed in Spain. This year, his expenses broke another historical record, exceeding 150,000,000,000,000,000,000 euros per year in wages from our taxes. They don’t stop spending what they don’t have and keep borrowing; in the state budget for 2023, we will spend 30 billion euros of public money just to pay interest on the debt. Wouldn’t it be more logical to reduce the debt with the resulting excess collection? It’s about keeping us dependent on the state, like in the former Soviet Union, Cuba or Venezuela.

Taxes have not been lowered and practically no measures have been taken to reduce the cost of living for citizens. The more prices went up, the more the government collected, which is why it has been waiting so long to reduce VAT on some basic products, for this reason and because the NP proposed it a few months ago, which is reason enough not to do it.

It would be logical for what was collected in excess to be returned to the citizens, but this has not happened in these four years. Sanchez hands out crumbs, gas cents or checks that are more obvious than effective. Just like help for the self-employed, which has barely reached the minority, the digital child that the government has rounded up in Europe but is unable to manage, the cultural check that many young people could not access due to the complexity of payment terms, and so many another direct aid, which, because of the difficulty in the fine print of her concession, did not reach most groups.

It’s about advertising them, not blaming them, and that’s where they’re experts. They serve to fill some of the headlines in the media, which in turn gets a beautiful rain of public money, up to $158 million this year, for institutional advertising.

It is a way of doing politics, one that does not solve but seems to be permissive, one that claims to change things so that they remain static and that wants us citizens to become poorer every day, and the state grew rich so that it would be obedient and servile before the new world. Caesar, doctor of economics, who manages us.