when i was leaving zero waveAccompanied Ignacio Varelawe face Candido Mendez. We hugged. One who has been in contact with Nicholas Redondo Urbieta almost to the very end, he tells us that the last few days he was very ill: “I could not sleep. Although upside down, he was very good until very recently.

The former leader of the UGT, who succeeded Nicolás Redondo in 1994, says that the great trade unionist who, along with Marcelino Camacho, enabled the labor movement to join the Transition with determination and enthusiasm, it was a kind of overview of its life and history. I talked to Alfonso Guerra. “FROM Philip no, not with him.

In the afternoon, the Prime Minister went to the funeral chapel located at the UGT headquarters in Madrid. Pedro Sanchez He went down to the assembly hall, accompanied by the current general secretary, Pepe Alvarezand, already near the coffin, he spoke with his son, who was the leader of the private security company, Nicholas Redondo Terrerosfor a few minutes.

Sanchez had the opportunity to fire a man who played a key role in the history of the modern PSOE, in the consolidation of the UGT and in the creation of a model of the trade union movement based on social dialogue, although without abandoning the mobilization. They tell me that they have never been able to carry on a conversation. They were so far apart!

The historical leader of the UGT would never have accepted the transfers Sanchez made independent and his pact with EH Bildu.

Redondo Terreros in a candid interview Peace Last December, he said, “I don’t know if anyone is going to buy us a used car from PSOE.” The PSOE, Sanchez’s PSOE, wanted to expel him a year ago, but the case was eventually dropped. Maybe he was too strong for the same blow Joaquin Legina and Nicolas Redondo.

Nicholas Redondo continues to say what he thinks, which is practically not at all in line with Sanchez’s politics. An apple from an apple tree. His father clashed with the all-powerful Felipe Gonzalez in the 1980s, organized the largest general strike in our history (December 14, 1988), voted against labor reform, and eventually resigned from his post.

One could agree with him or not, but Nicholas was consistent in his ideas. He was a Jacobin socialist who believed that the interests of the workers were contrary to nationalism. Now his party not only concedes to the ERC Independentistas by eliminating the crime of sedition and reducing the crime of embezzlement, all for a handful of votes, but also happily getting the support of EH Bildu. The party that has not yet condemned murders like those of a senator Enrique Casas or a PSE representative in the Basque parliament Fernando Buesa. At the time, Basque socialists referred to HB supporters as “fascists”.

Over the past half century, the so-called “socialist family” has experienced traumatic ruptures, tears, similar to the one that caused the split between foreign socialism (led by Rodolfo Llopis) and internal or “renewed” (led by Felipe González and Nicolás Redondo), which came out victorious at the Suresne Congress (1974). The very break between Nicolás Redondo and Felipe González in the late 1980s shook the model of unity of action between party and union that had lasted for a hundred years. But now it’s different. The party has become an apparatus of power in which the leader acts and destroys only in accordance with his own interests. And UGT is not the same. Pepe Alvarez is not bothered by the ERC’s transfer policy because the UGT has succumbed to nationalism.

For this reason, the Prime Minister’s meeting with Nicolás Redondo made no sense other than a formal expression of condolences to his son and an attempt to find some connection with what the trade union leader represented. It was the image of a “socialist family” broken into a thousand pieces.