The Government confirmed this Wednesday, as it had previously announced, that it would pay for parental leave and extend parental and maternity leave from 16 to 20 weeks.

Minister of Social Rights, Consumption and the 2030 Agenda, Pablo Bustinduysaid that “in the coming months we are going to move forward to make payment of compensation for eight weeks of dependent child leave a reality,” he assured senior officials at the inauguration ceremony. Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and the 2030 Agenda, where he also indicated that will extend paternity and maternity leave from 16 to 20 weeks.

He also noted that paying for parental leave is “compliance” with both the government agreement and the European Union’s specific directive on the issue. Additionally, ministry sources said the goal is to start paying in four of the eight weeks. “This will represent a quantum leap in social protection in Spain, a decisive step forward in the policies of reconciliation and well-being,” said the head of the portfolio of social rights, consumption and the 2030 agenda.

In this sense, he made it clear that he would “promptly” proceed with the adoption of the Family Law. “With this measure, we will begin to pay off our country’s historical debt of underfunding,” he said, adding that it would allow for legal recognition of “all types of families, such as single-parent families, stepfamilies, LGBTI families.” families that include people with disabilities.”

Customer Service Law

Likewise, on the consumption side, the company announced that it will process Customer Services Act“an achievement that, among other things, will return to citizens the opportunity to fully exercise their rights as customers.”

This indicated that maximum period 15 days to respond to complaints and a maximum waiting time of 3 minutes in case of telephone questions.

“This is the first step in the right direction, that is, in ensure equality, freedom and democracy “These are principles that also govern our economic and social life,” he said.

On the other hand, Bustinduy added that Spain will present voluntary national review at the High-Level Political Forum “This will allow us to report on the progress made on the 2030 Agenda to the United Nations and the wider international community, and add new commitments to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.” “, he emphasized.


At the event, the Secretary of State for Social Rights, Rosa Martinez, took office; Secretary General for Consumption and Gambling Bibiana Medialdea; DDSS Undersecretary for Consumption and the 2030 Agenda Ruben Baz; Director General of the 2030 Agenda, Paula Fernandez-Wolf; Consumer Affairs CEO Daniel Arribas; and Cabinet Director of DDSS, Consumption and A2030 Ricardo Molero.

Bustinduy celebrated the new appointments and noted the new Secretary General for Consumer Affairs and Gaming, Bibiana Medialdea, that her presence “is a guarantee of solvency, security, continuity in all the good that has been done in the fight against the structural inequalities that permeate the relations of consumption in our society. as well as enthusiasm.

“I think that during the Legislature we will see that these policies, as I said, gambling policy, consumer policy, safe gambling policy, healthy and sustainable food policy, have reached the forefront of policy to stay . This is wrong. A special case, what is happening in Spain, it started last year, it will continue,” Medialdea emphasized for its part after the inauguration.

In this sense, Bustinduy also noted that I am honored to join Rosa Martinez’s team. Secretary of State and stressed that he had a “brilliant route” as well as “intelligence, toughness and compassion” to deal with the department’s “critical moment,” the “environmental and social crisis” and the “necessary democratic response.” “.

“I want to reach out, open the door and offer all the knowledge, vision and commitment to social justice that exists in this Secretary of State to ensure that the answer we give to some of our society’s big problems, inequalities, care model or eco-social crisis, let’s do it in a consistent, dialogue-based way that matches the complexity of the world we live in,” assured Martinez, for his part.