There are no bilateral negotiations with Catalonia, no separate model is being discussed and no favorable treatment exists. Thus, the Minister of Finance and Public Functions, Maria Jesús Montero, assured autonomous communitieswhat this morning They exploded against the government for the privileged status that Catalonia would receive. The absence of Catalonia’s economy minister at the first meeting of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF), which took place today, and her statements that there was nothing to negotiate as the government was already negotiating with the Ministry of Finance, fueled the rest of the negotiations. regional leaders.

“There was no bilateral meeting. regional financing model,” Montero assured at a press conference this afternoon. However, there is a nuance: he assures that he does not and will not talk about future things, that anything can happen and that he is limited to explaining what has happened at the moment, today. However, his statements reassured the councilors – both members of the PP and some socialists, such as one from Castile-La Mancha – who, upon arriving at the meeting, criticized that they had eaten some regions a la carte and others off the menu.

But the truth is that the Council this Monday was not keen to discuss the regional funding model, even remotely, although it did not consider what the PSOE model would be. “We are committed to dialogue between political parties that ultimately approve the regional financing model,” Montero said, recalling that the Council does not endorse this model. “This is regulated by organic law, which requires a qualified majority in the general courts,” he explained.

The government wants to agree with the PP on regional funding

“The government wants to reach an agreement with the PP on the reform of the financing of the autonomous communities of general regime,” Montero said. Part of the government’s position stems from the fact that today “what is defended in Galicia is contrary to what can be defended in Madrid or Andalusia”, which suggests that negotiations will become more difficult.

“At the end of the day, it will be up to the parties to choose what funding model they want for the country as a whole.” “This means that Sánchez Feijóo’s proposal was a sincere proposal, designed in such a way that an agreement could be reached between the two main parties in the country and those who govern almost all the autonomous communities,” the minister said, omitting, perhaps, the PP’s refusal to accept this The idea may be due to the fact that the autonomous communities “do not trust” the position of their own party.

PP Communities: “We can be very calm”

“I think we can be very calm,” said the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Community of Madrid. Rocio Albert Lopez-Ybor, at the end of the meeting. His colleague, the Minister of Finance of Castile-La Mancha, Juan Alfonso Ruiz Molina, a member of the socialist government of Emiliano Garcia-Page, spoke in the same spirit. Upon arrival at the meeting, Ruiz Molina assured that most autonomous communities come with a “menu of the day”, while others, in particular Catalonia, “want to eat a la carte”.

These statements were made after the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat Natalia Mas, misrepresented this morning that the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council is not a “body for negotiation, debate or analysis.” He justified his absence at the meeting by regretting that the state has “a majority of votes, and therefore is the subject where everything is decided” and in which, according to him, the government prevails. But at the same time, Mas said that the way for bilateral negotiations on financing Catalonia with the state is open and that this is “a real way to fight for Catalonia’s resources.”