Completion of licenses for tourist apartments in 262 Catalan municipalities. The Generalitat approved the Decree-Law for the unification of Catalan regulations regarding this activity, which suspends the issuance of licenses in all municipalities considered “stress zones” in terms of housing, as well as those in which the number of tourist apartments exceeds 5 per 100 inhabitants. The measure was introduced in four capitals and all tourist destinations: the coasts of Barcelona, ​​Girona and Tarragona and the tourist regions of the Pyreneeslike the Aran Valley.

This, explained the Minister of Territory, Esther Capellaregulating the urban planning regime for tourist housing “to avoid its negative impact on the housing market.” There are more than 100,000 tourist apartments in Catalonia.which, according to Capella, “makes it difficult to contain prices” for housing.

The new regulation obliges affected municipalities to resume licensing procedures and change their urban planning. Owners of tourist apartments have five years to resolve their situation- the consultant explained. In 90% of cases, these licenses did not expire.

Limit licenses

After this five-year period, councils will be able to renew licenses for a maximum of 10 tourist apartments per 100 residents. The most touristic municipalities, such as Salou (Tarragona), Roses or Palafrugell (Girona), already significantly exceed this limit. In 134 municipalities included in the government decree, the number of tourist apartments already exceeds 5 per 100 inhabitants.

Capella did not want to give a figure for the surplus of tourist apartments, which, according to the Generalitat register, Their number will be 28,000, which means the closure of a third of tourist apartments in Catalonia.. According to a representative of the employers’ association Apartur, Enrique AlcantaraIt is an “irresponsible measure” that “endangers 50% of tourism in Catalonia.” Alcantara called the decree “expropriation without compensation” due to the sudden expiration of licenses.

Tourist apartments “are one of the reasons for the decline in housing” on the market, Capella argued, defending a measure that he assured “city councils are asking us for.” The consultant noted that “tourist apartments are not being built anew,” but are exiting the housing market for permanent residents.

In any case, the final limit on the number of tourist apartments will depend on city councils, Capella assured. “It would be a success if residential housing was residential.” Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council, Laia Bonetwelcomed the measure, assuring that the council would “start working to implement it.”