He Job continues to show strength in Spain based on membership and unemployment data for October. The number of social security branches increased by 92,862. in terms of average monthly membership. Compared to last year, there were more than half a million people registered in the system between January and October. In ten months, more jobs were created than were officially registered in the entire 2022.

According to data published by the Ministry of Social Protection and the Ministry of Labor, this is a month in which membership, that is, the number of jobs, increased, but unemployment also increased. It means that More people have registered in the institutions of the State Employment Service (SSES) register your unemployed status. In particular, 36,936 more people did this than a month ago.

Regarding membership, It was in the education sector that the largest number of employees were hired – 191,154 people.. Membership numbers also grew in the construction sector (by more than 11,000) and in the artistic and entertainment professions sector.

On the other hand, after a tourist season that the weather allowed to extend longer than in other years, the hospitality industry lost more than 50,000 workers. Agriculture – more than 2,700, and trade and the water and waste management sector – more than 2,400. Spain has 20.8 million members, the highest in the historical series for October.

The number of branches is also significant, There are 9.8 million working women registered with social security., is also the highest number in the series. Temporary employment has fallen among women, as well as among young people, and the figure is 13%.

Unemployed in the service sector

The only sector of the four major sectors that is not seeing an increase in unemployment is construction, which, as mentioned earlier, is one of the areas where job creation has increased the most. Instead of, In the service sector, 31,281 unemployed people appeared in October.

There are 2,418 more unemployed in industry, and 2,122 in agriculture. Among the group without previous work, unemployment increased by 1,928 people (0.77%).

Among women unemployment increased by 20,192 unemployed (1.23%) compared to September and amounts to 1,661,055. This is the lowest figure since 2008. It’s also growing male unemployment among 16,744 men (1.55%) to a total of 1,098,349. Unemployment among youth under 25 increased by 6,567 (3.20%) in October compared to the previous month, although the number of young unemployed is the lowest since 2008.

In the Autonomous Communities, unemployment is rising in all Autonomous Communities, with the exception of the Community of Madrid. The largest increases in absolute terms were recorded in Andalusia (7,401 people), Castile-La Mancha (4,266 people) and Catalonia (4,261 people).