66% of Spaniards have made a purchase in the last 12 months. circular economy products and 46% of them did it several times. This is according to Oni, an expert in payments and consumer finance and a leader in fractional payments in several European countries, who, together with the CSA Institute, conducted a study on the perception of the circular economy among Europeans.

For 55% of Spaniards and 61% of Europeans who buy circular economy products, the main motivation for doing so is avoid waste. For its part, Spain differs from the rest of Europe and attaches greater importance to the presence a product that lasts a long time while Europeans consider it more important avoid excessive consumption.

For this reason, although 56% of Europeans believe that The main obstacle to purchasing products The circular economy is the price is too close to the price of new productsFor 50% of Spaniards, the biggest obstacle is a lack of confidence in the quality and durability of the product.

In addition, consumer finance services are essential for developing the circular economy market and establishing more responsible consumer behavior, enabling more flexibility when paying. More precisely, 81% of Spanish circular economy consumers believe that they would be more interested in purchasing these products if the retailer offered payment in multiple installments.


Thus the Spaniards give greater importance for sustainability than the rest of Europe when it comes to the circular economy. 36% of Spaniards believe that caring for the environment is the main reason for adopting a circular economy, although financial benefits remain significant in their decisions. For its part, the rest of Europe believes that look for a low price main motivation (59%).

While this has traditionally been a sector focused on second-hand clothing, with 66% of respondents saying they have turned to the circular economy to buy clothing in recent months, consumers are also starting to look to other sectors, including The furniture and decor market especially stands out. electrical and computer equipment.

Europeans, and especially the Spaniards, willing to pay more for more environmentally friendly products. 69% Spanish compared to 63% European. Moreover, new generations are clearly more interested in this issue, as 33% of Spaniards under 35 are willing to pay 20% more for a more environmentally friendly product.