Community Valencia offer less Christmas lights for the upcoming holidays to save 20%.

The Ministry of Economy, Industrial Sectors, Trade and Labor and the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergencies and Environmental Transformation submitted eight proposals for a government contingency plan for energy conservation, including setting a goal of saving at least 20 percent in electricity consumption for Christmas lights in relation to 2021, a goal that municipalities must meet “in accordance with their best criteria and strategy”.

Another measure is a specific plan to close the refrigerated areas of supermarkets and shops, as they are still open without doors in some places, which is a “huge waste” of energy, especially in winter, and develop a plan for this change. be “as soon as possible” and with an “urgent” helpline, according to Europa Press.

In addition, it includes a plan to use the surplus photovoltaic that is not currently being used. According to both departments of Consell, statistics show that the majority of independent consumers with an installed capacity of more than 100 kW do not have surpluses.

In the case of the Valencian Community, this percentage exceeds 90% for capacities from 100 kW to 1 MW, and in Catalonia, almost 50% of own consumption of more than 100 kW is not excessive.

Generalitat suspects that the rest of the CCAA statistics will be similar. Some of the installations will consume all the generated energy on their own, but in most cases it will not, when there are many weekends, holidays and holidays, and this energy is “wasted”.

Surplus compensation

In this area, it is proposed to change several regulations to change the situation, for example, allow overcompensation for capacities up to 1 MW and remove access and connection permits for own consumption capacities equal to or less than the contracted capacity, at least for installations. less than 500 kW.

At the level of individual dwellings, the Generalitat points out that there are many houses in Spain that are not occupied all year round and where self-consumption systems are not installed due to overcompensation restrictions.

Generalitat understands that there is an obligation to promote the development of self-consumption systems as much as possible, therefore it proposes that owners can take advantage of non-compensated surpluses in other houses, which some marketers do on the free market, but this is not common and unknown to the public.

The Generalitat notes that it will not be difficult to resolve this issue, since compensation is an “economic note” on the invoice if it is held by the same holder and the same seller.

Another proposal is to allow collective self-consumption of two kilometers in general and five kilometers for energy communities, which should have a specific regulation that is broader than the general case, due to their special characteristics and so that they can be recognized as such. , for all administrations.

Iberian exception

In addition, the Generalitat seeks to solve the problem of cogeneration income arising from the exclusion of Iberia, since, due to the structure of the latter, industrial cogeneration plants do not receive income through the compensation mechanism, which has led to the paralysis of many of them.

This shutdown is giving rise to combined gas cycles to replace shutdown cogeneration, some of which are not the most efficient and whose net effect is more hectares consumed than they would have been had they not been shut down. According to the Generalitat, solving the problem of remuneration for cogeneration plants would provide significant gas savings compared to the current situation.

The proposal includes the creation of an educational and public program on energy conservation through mass distribution mechanisms. The aim is to provide citizens with best practices for saving energy through advertisement-based television campaigns with simple tips applicable in all areas. In the case of the Valencian Community, the Generalitat will create a group of trainers who will travel around the municipalities explaining energy saving measures.