Isabelle Diaz Ayuso gave way. And two days after the government announced measures to limit energy consumption, several regional governments rejected Pedro Sanchez’s proposal. This position caused a new division between Moncloa and the autonomies.

Once the water seemed to be back to its normal course, after the coronavirus pandemic was overcome after the separation due to the management of restrictions, the new energy plan opened a new front. The criticism initiated by the President of the Community of Madrid was supplemented by criticism of other regional governments such as Andalusia, Murcia or Castile and Leon.

But not all interference comes from regions ruled by the People’s Party. The Basque Country rejected the government’s initiatives and assured that it was already working on an alternative plan for September.

The Basque Government has assured that the various political formations that make up the regional executive power have agreed on a number of energy saving measures and has made it clear that it does not consider it appropriate to apply the same measures to all groups and situations at the same time.”

“These measures go beyond what Spain proposes, in line with what Europe requires of us,” Euskadi understands, “long-term measures, not punctual. Let’s focus on responsibility, not effective measures,” said the Basque government’s minister for economic development, sustainable development and the environment. Aranta Tapia.

“Basque society is mature enough to behave responsibly,” the politician said in an interview with Euskadi Irratia, clearly referring to temperature restrictions and the obligation to turn off the lights in shop windows. “We have a plan,” he said.

But as noted above, Andalusia and Murcia are already considering going to the Constitutional Court to prevent compliance with the measures introduced by Moncloa. vozpopuli He expected on Wednesday that the regional governments would study the legislation in detail in order to be able to go to court and overturn the royal decree approved by the Council of Ministers this week.

The People’s Party of Castile and León, for its part, prefers to wait and does not disclose its position on this issue. However, the formation in Burgos, which has a mandate in the city council, argues that “our city is not like the capitals, and we have different needs,” he added.

Lopez Mirasthe President of Murcia, also sharply criticized the energy saving plan and stated that they “impromptu, cosmetic and interventional measures which return freedom to citizens and businesses with safe conditions for trade, tourism and hospitality.

Catalonia and the Valencian Community are not at war

The Generalitat Valenciana, for its part, wanted to make it clear that the government also had its own plan, but without coming into conflict with the government. Minister for Sustainable Economy, Industrial Sectors, Trade and Labor Rafa Clement announced that he sent Moncloa an extensive package of energy conservation and efficiency measures already in place in the administration, “such as plans and programs to promote the energy model. based on renewable energy sources that have been put into operation in recent years.

Clement said that “from the Generalitat Valenciana, we have been working since 2016 to change the energy model of our territory. A report presented to the Ministry of Ecological Transition last week shows that the Valencian Community has “a very definite policy on how to deal with the climate and energy crisis through measures to decarbonize the economy and own consumption to all sectors of society.

The Generalitat of Catalonia, for its part, did not want to confront the executive branch. Relations between both parties seem to be flowing since the last dialogue table and its chairman, Father Aragonesvowed “not to enter into conflict” and asked that the institutions go hand in hand in rescue measures “given the seriousness of the situation”.

The government plans to introduce new measures and promote energy savings through a savings plan aimed at encouraging renewable energy, self-consumption and raising awareness of energy efficiency.