Home World Driver notices overturned truck and beer robbery on BR-470 in SC

Driver notices overturned truck and beer robbery on BR-470 in SC

Driver notices overturned truck and beer robbery on BR-470 in SC

No, you are not reading a repeat of last year’s news! At the end of the year, there was another looting of cargo from overturned trucks on the bank of BR-470 in Alto Vale do Itajaí.

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – Social Media/Disclosure/ND

The incident occurred again in Poso Redondo, this time at the 185th kilometer of the BR-470 highway in Serra da Santinha. It was around 7 a.m. this Thursday (21) when the driver of a VW truck with license plates from Joazaba, in the Midwest, lost control of the steering wheel and overturned on the bank of the federal highway.

Within minutes, thousands of curious people arrived at the scene, broke into the back of a truck full of drinks, and began stealing everything they saw.

Military police from the nearby town of Mirim Doce arrived at the scene of the collapse around 8:30 a.m. but were unable to prevent the group’s actions. There were about 15 people at the scene, carrying everything they could find, some on foot, and some even in cars.

There wasn’t much for the truck passengers to do.

The 55-year-old truck driver and 48-year-old passenger also had little to do while the cargo was looted by the public. According to the PRF (Federal Traffic Police), most of the robbers fled when more security vehicles arrived.

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) - PRF/Divulgação/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – PRF/Divulgação/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – PRF/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – PRF/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – PRF/Disclosure/ND

According to the military police, about 15 people stole a shipment of drinks and food from a truck that overturned this Thursday (21) – PRF/Disclosure/ND

The military police said they were only able to approach two people who were placing beer cans in a car where there were more bales of the drink. The duo was taken to the police station for legal procedures and recovered the goods.

The truck overturned at the BR-470 curve without disrupting traffic. Security forces reported that the fallen cargo was intended for a supermarket in the region. The amount of damage was not disclosed.

Source: Ndmais


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