A network of tunnels drilled under the Gaza Strip has begun to be flooded by the Israeli army in a new attempt to neutralize one of Hamas’ logistical advantages after 65 days of war. However, this process raises doubts in Washington.

American President, Joe Bidenwarned Israel on Tuesday of the consequences its strategy of flooding a Hamas tunnel complex in the Gaza Strip could have, warning of the possibility of hostages inside and that every civilian death matters.

“They say that it is absolutely possible to say that there are no hostages in these tunnels.. “I don’t know for sure, but I do know that every civilian death is a tragedy,” he said at a White House press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart. Vladimir Zelensky.

Wall Street Magazine On Tuesday, it was reported that Israel had begun pumping seawater into Hamas’ complex tunnel system in the Gaza Strip in an attempt to destroy this underground infrastructure.

The measure, according to the newspaper with official US sources, is one of various methods the Israeli army is considering to put an end to this network, which the Israelis say is being used as a depot for ammunition and weapons by the Palestinian Islamist group. move your fighters on the battlefield.

In a speech alongside Zelensky, Biden added that “Israel must be supported” because it is an “independent nation” and the “cruelty and inhumanity” with which Hamas treated its population during the Oct. 7 attack was unprecedented.

However, he also said he had made it clear to the Israelis that he was concerned about the safety of innocent Palestinians, so the actions they took in their offensive “must be consistent with their attempts to do everything possible to prevent attacks on innocent Palestinian civilians.” wounded and killed.”

That wasn’t the only warning Biden issued to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday. At a private event in Washington to raise funds for his re-election campaign in next year’s presidential election, the Democratic president noted in the morning that Israel was “starting to lose support” due to the bombing in the Gaza Strip and said Netanyahu should change his government.