Although tradition dictates that the presentation on the Presidency of the Council of the European Union should be made first, the Prime Minister appeared this Wednesday at the end of the Spanish semester, having been immersed in the election campaign in July. Pedro Sánchez had the opportunity to take stock of these six months, during which the adoption of an immigration pact, reform of the electricity market or tax laws and an artificial intelligence law were expected, which were changed by Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. He condemned the Hamas attacks and demanded the release of the hostages, while calling for EU unity to say “enough is enough” to the deaths of thousands of children in the Gaza Strip and demand a humanitarian ceasefire. He defended the two-state solution, as did European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Regarding the formation of the government in Spain, as before his assessment, Sánchez said that “Europe has won with a progressive government, a government that will always support Europe.” On several occasions he demonstrated progressivism against the far right.

The Spanish Presidency was successful: we approved 43 cases. And he emphasized progress. The first goal was to promote European industrialization and strategic autonomy. The international order is changing and Europe must change: we must improve our competitiveness and promote the industries of the future. But we should not buy into the anti-globalization theses of the far right. Our continent will always be more prosperous through cooperation with other countries,” Sanchez emphasized. “Instead of closing us down, Europe should start a new commercial expansion.” The new strategic agenda will remain in the hands of the Belgian presidency. He highlighted how the external agenda had progressed, with particular emphasis on the EU-CELAC (Latin America and the Caribbean) meeting.

Secondly, he mentioned “our duty in the face of the climate emergency.” According to Sanchez, promoting a green agenda will reduce energy dependence and help fight disease. The Green Agenda is an asset, not a piece, as the far right says. “I am convinced that the regions that will grow the most will be those that are most in balance with nature.”

The third goal focuses on social justice. “Europe must become competitive and also ensure that progress reaches everyone,” he said, before touching on electricity market reform. “This will reduce prices and protect citizens from possible abuses by energy companies. Progress has been made in the social sphere, such as the introduction of the disability card, in the fight against violence against women and other vulnerable groups.” Reform of fiscal rules and the financial system has yet to be completed.

Europe as an international player

The fourth priority is strengthening the European pillar. “Europe has come under attack that tried to divide us. Nobody is talking about leaving Europe, about Brexit, except for some on the far right. Citizen support has grown. We realized that in this world of giants we must be more united. than ever, and more coordinated abroad,” he said, promising that the Migration and Asylum Pact would finally be achieved.

“The time has come for the EU to integrate Ukraine, Moldova and the Western Balkans,” Sanchez said, describing how he began the semester with a trip to Kyiv and how he hopes to end it with a green light to start negotiations. “He hopes to return to Kyiv to celebrate a just peace for the people fighting for their freedom and ours.”

He hinted at European unity in the face of Russian aggression. “That is why I believe it is time to speak out with equal clarity about what is happening in Israel and Palestine. If we want the world to respect us as a consistent and relevant player, we must speak loudly and clearly to one thing. We must condemn the attacks carried out by Hamas, demand the release of the hostages and recognize Israel’s right to exist, but with the same conviction we must say enough about the deaths of innocent civilians, including thousands of boys and girls. “Stop and stop must be opened with humanitarian fire, and Europe must demand respect for humanitarian law,” stressed Sanchez, advocating for two states, which implies the “existence of a Palestinian state” that coexists in peace with the State of Israel. “Europe needs unity on this issue. Europe will do everything in its power to achieve this unity.”

EU members at the UN Security Council voted last Friday in favor of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ proposal for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. The proposal was not implemented due to the United States voting against it. At the UN General Assembly, fewer and fewer EU countries are showing resistance: only Austria and the Czech Republic. This time Hungary abstained.

And Sanchez concluded with a message of “political forces that do not believe in Europe and want only to escape to a glorious past that never existed,” sending a message of optimism: “Europe is one of the most prosperous regions on the planet. ”