The image of an American diplomat Robert Wood having announced with his own hand that his country had vetoed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an act of loneliness tempered only by Britain’s abstention is fueling Arab anger, even among those countries that consider themselves Washington’s main allies in the Middle East.

The blockade, imposed by the Biden administration at the height of Israel’s campaign of indiscriminate attacks on civilians in the Gaza Strip, which António Guterres considers “unprecedented”, monopolizes public statements in the Gaza Strip. Forum about Dohaan international political forum that Qatar hosts annually and is marked on this occasion by the crisis in the Gaza Strip.

Full coordination with Tel Aviv

Arab diplomacy accuses Washington of aligning itself with Israeli postulates and, by avoiding putting any pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, sabotaging efforts to achieve a lasting truce that offers the first hope for a political settlement.

Israel seeks to empty Gaza, Jordan warns

“What we see in the Gaza Strip is not just the killing of innocent people and the destruction of their livelihoods. [por parte de Israel]”but a systematic effort to liberate Gaza from its population,” the Jordanian Foreign Minister condemned Ayman al-Safadi, before accusing Israel and the United States of “sharing the same goals.” “We must stop this madness and war that could spread throughout the region. The US should put more pressure on Israel instead of sending it more money. Israel simply feels unpunished and free from any control. Our position is that this is criminal and cannot continue,” he added without half-measures.

Risk of radicalization of “an entire generation”

There is a growing impression in Arab foreign ministries that the Biden administration is incapable of heeding warnings about how explosive and suicidal it would be not to set red lines on Netanyahu and prevent further bloodshed and civilian displacement. “This crisis has clearly demonstrated the size of the gap between East and West, the gap between subsequent generations and the double standards adopted by the international community, which has divided the world into those who demand an end to this war and an end to the killing machine, and those who resist, even ask for ceasefire,” the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar also said without hesitation, Mohamed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Zani.

The host of the conference – in one day, the 65th since the start of the conflict in which bombings have killed more than 300 people – outlined the dangers posed by Israel’s military operation in the Gaza Strip. “There is a fear that an entire generation in the Middle East is at risk of being radicalized by the war in Gaza,” Al Zani said, acknowledging that he will not give up his efforts to put pressure on the two sides in Gaza. between the Israelis and Hamas to resume negotiations that will lead to a lasting ceasefire in the sector.

“The only way to end this war is at the negotiating table.. Historically, in all wars and conflicts, none of them achieved their results on the battlefield,” Al Zani said. “The region has for decades turned to Israel for peace plans such as the Arab Peace Initiative adopted by the Arab League. Arab states and with the support of the Organization of Islamic Countries. There have been several attempts and we always strive for peace. We are looking for two states that will coexist safely,” he said.

According to the Qatari prime minister, a key figure involved in mediation between Palestinians and Israelis since October 7, Israel has not taken the peace proposals seriously. “They haven’t stopped burying peace proposals. And there have been several rounds of war, and each time Israel has come in and destroyed everything in Gaza. The Israelis have failed in their responsibility for peace as an occupying power,” he said, demanding that the Palestinians agree to end the split of their parties and their future.

“Israel deserves sanctions”

“Gaza and the West Bank represent a unity and a state that should be governed by a single body. This must be the result of a Palestinian agreement. people and their business. The region provides financial support to Palestine’s reconstruction efforts. We continue these efforts, despite all the circumstances, and nothing will stop us. Our role is to ensure that the Palestinian people live in peace and prosperity. We are countries of peace and prosperity. “We never call for war. We never advocate violence and never consider violence as a solution to any problem or crisis,” he said.

According to the head of Jordanian diplomacy, Israel is pursuing a systematic policy of expelling Palestinians from the Gaza Strip through a war that has resulted in the death of thousands of civilians. The Jewish country, he shouted, had created “an amount of hatred” that was “plaguing the region” and “defining future generations,” as its Qatari counterpart put it.

Also present at the Doha forum, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh accused Washington of complicity in the Israeli attacks. “The American veto in the Security Council allowed the occupiers to carry out further massacres. It gave Israel the green light,” he complained, demanding that “Israel be punished and sanctioned for its continued violation of international law.” “How many Palestinian lives will it take for Israel to carry out its revenge? “They are only seeking revenge,” he emphasized. According to Shtayyeh, “Hamas is an important part of the Palestinian political map.” “Israeli statements about the elimination of Hamas will not happen and are unacceptable to us,” he concluded.