Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez spoke with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán this Thursday in which he commented on the “progress” towards Ukraine’s accession to the European Union ahead of next week’s European Council meeting.

“(EU) enlargement is an investment in the peace, security, stability and prosperity of Europe,” Sanchez added in a post on his social media account X (formerly Twitter), in which he reported on his conversation with Orban.

In addition, Sánchez stressed that Spain will do “everything possible”, from the rotating presidency of the EU Council, which ends at the end of the year, to “moving towards consensus among the 27 countries and maintaining financial and military support for Ukraine in the fight against the Russian invasion.” .

“Defending the rules-based international order is one of the fundamental values ​​of the European Union,” he concluded.

The last meeting of the European Council this year will take place on 14 and 15 December in Brussels.

A meeting where EU heads of state and government will review the latest developments in the war in Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East, the future enlargement of the European Union and the community’s long-term budget until 2027, among other things. . affairs.