Former President of Peru Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000) was released this Wednesday in compliance with a Constitutional Court ruling, despite the fact that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDC Court) asked the authorities of the Andean country to refrain from doing so.

Fujimori left Barbadillo prison wearing oxygen goggles, a day after it was reported that the TC had ordered the “immediate release of the chosen man”, reinstating the pardon granted to him in 2017 by then-President Pedro. Pablo Kuczynski.

The former president was wearing a mask as he left the prison center and immediately walked through the door and hugged his daughter Keiko Fujimori, leader of Fujimori’s People Power Party, and his son Kenji.

He greeted some of those present close to the family, the defense and the party, and got into a gray car with his children and daughter-in-law.

As the former head of state left the prison’s final checkpoint, dozens of followers who had been waiting for him throughout the day greeted him with applause, music and fireworks.

But such was the anticipation of his release that the car was delayed for almost 30 minutes, barely able to navigate the nearby streets with followers, police and press surrounding the car.

Local media reported that the former president was heading to Keiko Fujimori’s home in a residential area of ​​San Borja.

Fujimori’s release was delayed by several hours due to a biometric problem at the Barbadillo prison, where former presidents Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006) and Pedro Castillo (2021-2022) are being held.

The Constitutional Court (CC) on Tuesday ordered the immediate release of Fujimori, and a resolution signed by three of the current six members, with the casting vote of the organization’s president Francisco Morales, declared that “the call for a review was based on the direct and immediate implementation of the sentence of March 12 last year , recurrent in the present process.”

The Constitutional Court made the decision after a court in the southern region of Ica last Friday announced its first resolution declaring the pardon inadmissible.

However, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court) this Wednesday issued a resolution demanding that the Peruvian state refrain from releasing the former ruler in order to guarantee justice for victims of human rights violations.

The resolution, signed by the President of the Inter-American Court, Ricardo Pérez Manrique, requires Peru not to release Fujimori until the Inter-American Court “has all the necessary elements to analyze whether the said decision complies with the conditions established in the Resolution of the Court.” Court dated April 7, 2022.”

In April 2022, the Inter-American Court ordered Peru to refrain from implementing the TC decision ratifying this pardon, since it was contrary to the decisions of the international court in the cases of the La Cantuta and Barrios Altos massacres, for which the former president was sentenced to 25 years in prison.