Israel’s war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip was the subject of debate in the plenary session of Congress on Tuesday. Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation José Manuel Albarez defended President Pedro Sánchez’s role at the height of the diplomatic crisis with Israel, which has called into question his respect for international legitimacy in his attacks in the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the Popular Party reproached Sanchez for “accusing Israel of indiscriminate killings without evidence without demanding the immediate dissolution of Hamas.”

Esteban Gonzalez Pons, a representative of the People’s Party who participated in the debate, asked Minister Albarez not to equate Israel and Hamas. “We cannot be wrongly guilty. We must encourage Israel not to become angry and stoop to the level of its aggressor. But we are committed to destroying Hamas’ infrastructure. Terrorists must be destroyed. a democratic state, and the other is a gang of murderers,” the MP noted.

Vox MP Pepa Millan went even further. “You chose the side of the executioners, not the victims. You chose the side of those who killed innocent people in cold blood. Between good and evil, you always choose evil. You’re on the side of those who pull the trigger.” And referring to the investiture agreement with Hunts and the green light for the amnesty law, Millan added: “If they wanted the votes of Hamas in the investiture, they would have amnestied those who came to kill thousands of innocent people.”

The foreign minister appeared at his own request and at the request of a popular group just days after the Israeli government summoned the ambassador in Madrid, Rodica Radian-Gordon, for consultations, a diplomatic formula that involves a temporary withdrawal of troops. Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen responded after Sanchez said he had “frank doubts” that Israel was complying with international humanitarian law, given the high number of casualties in the Gaza Strip. Before speaking to lawmakers, Albarez said he spoke with Israel’s top diplomat and ambassador on Sunday.

When he spoke for only a few minutes, two people interrupted the minister’s speech with slogans in favor of Palestine. One of them was Julio Rodriguez from the NGO Paz Ahora. They were evicted while displaying the Palestinian flag.

Julio Rodriguez from Pas Ahora shows the Palestinian flag in Congress / EFE

Recognition of a Palestinian state

In his speech, Albarez said: “The Israeli casualties on October 7 are unbearable. Just as the Palestinian victims are intolerable,” he said, making it clear that the government categorically condemns the attack carried out by Hamas in Israel on October 7. October . “Israel’s security is linked to Palestinian hope. The horizon of hope is a Palestinian state.”

They insisted that an international peace conference should be held “as soon as possible” to advance a two-state solution, a view they expressed to European partners and Arab countries. “We are now 88 countries of the world who agree on a number of issues: we must end the crisis and create a credible prospect for peace that can only be based on the materialization of two states.”

Palestinians need hope for a state. Israel, security guarantees. The horizon of hope is a Palestinian state.”

José Manuel Albarez, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain

According to Albarez, “Palestinians need hope for a state. Israel – security guarantees. We are working to recognize a Palestinian state, as 136 other countries around the world have done. The two-state solution is the way forward. it is time to move towards this solution,” insisted the head of diplomacy of the Spanish government. “Peace and security will only be ensured with two states.” The day after the war, Albarez mentioned the fact that it was the Palestinian National Authority that should take responsibility for the reconstruction of the sector .

A Popular Party lawmaker accused Sánchez’s government of “trivializing” foreign policy and thus achieving “irrelevance and lack of protection.” With irony, he hinted that Albarez’s balance sheet was “unbeatable,” citing the Israeli ambassador’s call for consultations, previous crises with Morocco and Algeria or the refusal to congratulate Argentine President-elect Javier Miley.

He referred to the “brutal Hamas massacre” and recalled how the government president called it a “jokes.” In an interview with RTVE, Sanchez referred to an “anecdote” from a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who invited him to watch a video of the massacre based on footage of the terrorists, public cameras and the subsequent investigation.

González Pons noted that the two-state solution is complex and can be objective, but he reproached Sánchez for raising the issue at the least appropriate time and in the wrong place, in Rafah, just when the first hostages. “A two-state solution cannot be imposed at a time of tension or used as a form of condemnation of Israel. This is a very difficult decision that requires secure borders, determination of the status of East Jerusalem and an end to settlements.” He called on the Spanish government to seek solutions together with its European partners, without taking a prominent role. “What kind of pressure does the president have to push for him to appear in a selfie?” he said.

Albarez stressed that Spain strives for peace, a peace that will benefit Palestinians and Israelis. “The government’s actions are consistent with the condemnation of terrorism and the protection of civilians in the Gaza Strip, as well as the protection of human rights,” he said. “These beliefs reflect the unanimous opinion of the Spanish population.” And he concluded: “No more deaths of innocent Israeli citizens and Palestinians. Israel and Palestine need peace. Let’s work together for this.”

In his speech, Agustin Santos Maraver of Sumar, who was ambassador to the UN, recalled that UN resolutions on Palestine are binding. And she declared “progressive and feminist” policies that defend Israel’s and Palestine’s right to peace. He defended Sanchez’s position on Israel. “The only thing we can be accused of is that we spent many years waiting for consensus to be reached.”

Rufian attacks Netanyahu

“The war in the Gaza Strip is not an ordinary war. This latest conflict has resulted in five or six more deaths than any other conflict there. This is due to a deliberate plan to leave the Gaza Strip (…) Collateral damage could be five or more for every Hamas fighter. This is a frightening situation that makes us question our commitment to international law,” said Santos Maraver.

The sharpest attack on the Israeli government came from Republican Party spokesman Gabriel Roofian, who admitted that he hopes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will face trial at the International Criminal Court on war crimes charges.

“The fact that this war began on October 7 is a lie. This is not a war against Hamas, this is ethnic cleansing against Palestine carried out by an ultra-liberal and far-right government. Netanyahu is a war criminal. Exactly the same as Putin, but he has better abs,” said Rufian.

In his response, Minister Albarez called on the People’s Party to pursue “public policies” and “free themselves from the clutches of the far right.”