Qatar’s emir on Tuesday issued his biggest condemnation by an Arab leader of Israeli air attacks on the Gaza Strip that have killed more than 5,000 people. “It is unacceptable to remain silent in the face of the unprecedented barbaric bombing of civilians in the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and to ignore the huge number of innocent victims, including children and women,” condemned Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Zani, whose country is leading international mediation with Hamas, which has so far secured the release of four hostages.

The leader of Qatar spoke these words during the opening session of the Shura Council, the legislative body of the Qatari state, which began to function after the first elections organized by the country in 2021. “You all know that we are the defenders of peace. And that we adhere to the resolutions of international legality, the Arab initiative and much more, and that we are against attacks by any side on innocent civilians, regardless of their nationality,” Tamim said.

Against “double standards”

“But we do not accept double standards and we do not accept acting as if the lives of Palestinian children are not worth it, as if they are faceless and nameless. What is happening is very dangerous, it involves the violation not only of international law, but also of all values ​​and norms, beyond religious and secular laws, beyond Israel’s declared declarations of its illegal intentions, such as displacement, etc.” , he added.

We call for an end to this war, which has gone beyond all limits and bloodshed.

In his speech to the legislature, Sheikh Tamim chanted: “Enough is enough.” “It is unsustainable that Israel has been given an unconditional green light and a free license to kill, and it is unsustainable that it continues to ignore the reality of occupation, siege and settlement,” he said, condemning Israel’s total blockade. Gaza Strip.

“In these times, water cuts and deprivation of medicines and food cannot be allowed to be used as weapons against the entire population. We call for a serious regional and international stance on this dangerous escalation that we are witnessing and witnessing. threatens the security of the region and the world. We ask to put an end to this war, which has crossed all borders, to stop the bloodshed, to save the civilian population from the consequences of military confrontation and to prevent us from breaking out of the circle of conflicts,” he said. “restored.”

“The Palestinian people are here to stay”

“We would like to ask those who joined the war and those who are trying to silence any dissent: what will happen after this war? Will it bring security and stability to Israelis and Palestinians? Where will the Palestinians go next? The Palestinian people “are here to stay, despite their suffering under occupation, siege, confiscation of lands and settlements.”

According to the Emir of Qatar, “wars do not offer any solution.” “We face further escalation of suffering, more casualties and deep feelings of anger. Generations of children will grow up amid this terrible experience and the silence of the international community in the face of the murder of their brothers and comrades.”

“The only way to guarantee the security and stability of the two peoples lies in what has so far remained on the sidelines, namely achieving a just and lasting peace and guaranteeing the Palestinian people’s access to all their legitimate rights as approved by the international community. organization, including the creation of its own independent state on the 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem,” Tamim concluded.