Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Jose Manuel Albarezasked this Monday what The European Union lifts sanctions on Venezuelaas the United States did, given the progress of negotiations between the government of Nicolas Maduro and the opposition.

“I spoke with my colleagues to raise review of EU sanctions on Venezuela should be reviewedin accordance with recent US decisions and given the positive evolution of the dialogue between Venezuelans,” Albarez said at a press conference following the meeting of foreign ministers held today in Luxembourg.

According to Albarez, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell was in favor consider this issue at the upcoming meeting of EU foreign ministers, given that otherwise sanctions They will be automatically renewed on November 14th. The next ministerial meeting is scheduled for November 13.

Last week the United States announced six-month exemption from oil sanctions and gas from Venezuela after the Maduro government and the opposition United Platform signed a guarantee agreement in Barbados second semester presidential elections 2024, including election observation.

The EU sanctions, which it first approved in 2016, affect in particular Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez.

Restrictive measures include ban on authorized persons entering the territory of the community and freezing property and assets that they have in the EU.