86 Nobel laureates have signed a petition for the immediate release of abducted children, addressing the UN today along with the ambassadors of Israel and the US to urge world leaders to act immediately.

An appeal delivered on Saturday afternoon by Professor Daniel Kahneman, representing the Nobel Prize laureates, and Alana Zeichik and Liam Lindsay, relatives of abducted three-year-old twins Emma and Julie and five-year-old Amelia, to the families of the abducted children. calls for the immediate release of children abducted in Gaza.

This petition is supported by 86 of the world’s most eminent scientists and thinkers, including Nobel laureates such as Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize 2003; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2011; Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize winner in economics 2002; Aaron Ciechanover, winner of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry; Patrick Modiano, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature; José Ramos-Horta, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize winner; Olga Tokarczuk, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature and others.

The laureates convey a poignant message: “Throughout human history, wars have raged, but humanity has always drawn the line between war and crime.” war crimes. No war should tolerate mass atrocities. No war normalizes acts of rape and torture. “War will never allow innocent little children to be captured in the midst of hellish confinement.”

In addition to their voice, they highlight that “During the attack, Hamas kidnapped hundreds of Israeli soldiers and civilians, including children ranging in age from 6 months to 18 years. Children should never be considered pawns in a theater of war.”

Nobel Prize laureates claim that “andThe soul of a child is different from the soul of an adult. It is our duty to protect the innocent and protect the vulnerable. Our duty is to save our children. “The sad images and words we witness today evoke memories of darker times, times that we, as humanity as a collective, hoped to leave behind.”

Signatories of the petition state unequivocally that the abduction and imprisonment of children is a war crime and a serious crime. moral injustice against humanity as a whole. His message ends with a loud demand: “Let the children go.”

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan: “After the barbaric massacre carried out by Hamas, which tragically claimed the lives of children, women and the elderly, the UN appears to have moved away from its core mission of preventing and combating horrors and war crimes. “The United Nations has apparently lost sight of suffering of Israeli citizens, including the abduction of innocent children and infants. This represents the United Nations’ last opportunity to demonstrate its relevance and humanity. I implore the Secretary-General to recognize the deep importance of the lives of abducted children, to the extent that their well-being resonates deeply in his soul, and that he is unwavering in his commitment to prioritizing innocent children abducted by terrorists before helping those in Gaza who support the barbaric terrorist violence. a passionate moral compass, and I sincerely implore you to heed his message with all your heart.”