Home World A fugitive from justice fakes a pregnancy and is arrested by the Investigative Committee; the mind is impressive

A fugitive from justice fakes a pregnancy and is arrested by the Investigative Committee; the mind is impressive

A fugitive from justice fakes a pregnancy and is arrested by the Investigative Committee;  the mind is impressive

A 28-year-old woman was arrested in Rio Negro/PR. According to the PRF (Federal Highway Patrol), she was a fugitive for murder, kidnapping and hiding a body in Cazador/South Carolina.

A woman pretended to be pregnant to avoid a police stop in Rio Negro/PR.  - Federal Police/Reproduction/ND
A woman pretended to be pregnant to avoid a police stop in Rio Negro/PR. – Federal Police/Reproduction/ND

She was a fugitive for murder in Cazador.  - Federal Police/Reproduction/ND
She was a fugitive for murder in Cazador. – Federal Police/Reproduction/ND

The arrest occurred during a road check when PRF officials saw the lowered vehicle and ordered it to stop. There was a couple in the car.

The driver, a 23-year-old man, had an expired driver’s license and admitted to changing the car’s suspension irregularly.

The young man’s girlfriend, a 28-year-old woman, was in the passenger seat. When approached, she presented the pregnancy booklet as identification.

After detaining the car, agents went to check the couple’s documents. And in the systems they discovered that the woman had been a fugitive from justice for qualified murder in Cazador since August.

According to PRF, the woman said she was pregnant until May when she lost the baby. Her boyfriend said that they had been together for a year and were returning from a trip to Curitiba/PPR.

The fugitive was taken to the Mafra Regional Prison, where she will be transferred to the Santa Catarina justice system.

Source: Ndmais


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