The National Police are investigating the stabbing of a 17-year-old boy by several individuals in the San Blas Canillejas district of Madrid as possible aggression between members of youth gangs.

According to the ABC newspaper, a provincial information brigade with groups specializing in such aggressive groups has taken over the investigation to identify the aggressors. EFE Sources at Madrid Police Headquarters.

The events took place around 12:30 last Thursday on Hermanos García Noblejas Street in the capital. An eyewitness from the scene told emergency services about a young man who was lying on the ground after several stab wounds that caused him to bleed profusely.

Until that moment, doctors from Samur-GOS traveled, who treated the minor with several cuts, including on the head. After stabilization, he was transferred to Ramon y Cajal Hospital with a poor prognosis.

San Blas Canillejas is one of the districts of the capital where the government delegation’s anti-gang plan is in effect.