President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen will meet this Wednesday in Brussels with the leader of the People’s Party (PP), Alberto Nunez. Feihoo, as confirmed by sources from both teams Europe Press.

The interview takes place one day before the EU heads of state and government meet in the community capital to decide on new energy market interventions to mitigate the effects of the war in Ukraine.

The meeting requested by the Galician politician has no “official agenda” and is part of the usual contacts that the chief executive maintains with other members of the same political family, the European People’s Party (EPP).

On Thursday, the PP leader will take part in the PPE summit.

Feijoo will continue his work in Brussels on Thursday, when he plans to take part in the EPP Leaders’ Summit, which traditionally takes place a few hours before the meeting of the European Council, and in this context he will meet other prominent “popular” figures such as the President of the European Parliament. Roberta Metsola and recently appointed Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani.

To the top of PPE some of the leaders who will later take part in the European Council will also take partincluding Prime Ministers of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Croatian Andrej Plenković.

The European summit will be marked by von der Leyen’s latest proposals to intervene in the energy market in the face of high gas and electricity prices, including a temporary mechanism to limit the price of gas purchases, as they asked fifteen countries, including Spain.

Feijoo travels to the capital of Belgium after the fight with Sanchez.

The head of the opposition, who is scheduled to attend the plenary session of the Senate this Wednesday morning, will later travel to the Belgian capital for an interview with the President of the European Commission, “popular” sources told Europa Press.

The appointment comes just a day after the “face-to-face” that Feijoo and chief executive Pedro Sanchez had in the Upper House, which accurately suggested that von der Leyen was in favor of measures similar to what your chief is taking.

In particular, he mentioned the reform of the electricity market and the fact that the price of gas cannot determine the evolution of the price of electricity. He also opted for joint gas purchases and capping the price of the gas Europe imports, and argued for the Iberian solution as a possible European solution. “I wish those who were talking about the Iberian scam would fix it,” Sanchez snapped at Feijoo.

Von der Leyen and Feijoo met in Rotterdam in May.

Feijoo, who has led the NP since April 1, met von der Leyen at a congress the EPP held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, last May, where the German Manfred Weber was elected as the new president of the formation, replacing the Pole Donald Tusk. There they maintained two-way communication for more than half an hour.

Both were seen later at the last meetings of the European People’s Party. In addition, the President of the European Commission took part in a video conference at the Inter-Parliamentary Meeting, which the PP held on June 17 in Toledo.

Over there He referred to Feijoo as his “dear friend Alberto”.. “It is good to know that in such a difficult situation we have such experienced and far-sighted leaders in our ranks,” von der Leyen said at the time.