Paris is shocked. LolaA 12-year-old girl appeared in a suitcase last Friday in the French capital. Dabia B.woman from 24 years, illegal immigrant of Algerian origin She is the main defendant in the “murder” and “rape of a minor with torture and barbarity,” which she also testified this Monday before the court of inquiry investigating the case.

The police had evidence of Dabia B. as a victim of domestic violence in 2018. The young woman entered France legally in 2016 on a student visa. August 21 was arrested at a French airport for not having a residence permit. He was automatically obliged to leave French territory.

Recognizing the “horror” experienced by the family of a teenager, the defendant’s lawyer Alexander Silva asked the press to stop the “rumors” and recalled the principle of the presumption of innocence. A suspect who appears to be suffering mental disorderswas arrested at dawn on Saturday in Bois-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine) after appear on surveillance footage the house where the girl lived.

Dabia admits sexual abuse

According to a press release issued by the prosecutor’s office, the suspect stated that she “dragged the victim to her sister’s apartment, who lives in the same house as the girl, and he would force her to bathe before sexually assaulting her and other acts of violence that led to the death of the girl, and he allegedly hid the body in a box.

The events took place between 3:17 p.m., when security cameras capture Lola entering the building with Dabia B., and 4:48 p.m., when the latter exits alone with two suitcases and a plastic suitcase.

According to the revealed information, the woman admits the fact of sexual violence. “I grabbed her hair, put her head between her legs (…), I had an orgasm”, he said in a statement. Later, he said, he covered his face, which probably made him death by suffocation. Dabia B. assures that she drank coffee and then listened to music before cutting the girl’s body with scissors or a knife to such an extent that the head seemed almost separated from the body. He also adds that he drank the victim’s blood by pouring it into a bottle, an object that investigators have yet to find.

However, after a detailed account of the events, the suspect retracted her testimony and He assures that he told a dream, not reality. He claims to have defended himself against a mysterious assailant with a knife and fought a ghost, and vows that he will never kill a child.

“Zero and 1 were written in red on the soles of each of the victim’s feet,” the Paris prosecutor’s office said.

The prosecutor’s office detects bodily injuries, but not “traumatic injuries in the genital area”

The girl’s parents, worried that she would not return from school on Friday afternoon, informed the police of their daughter’s disappearance, as well as the presence of this unknown young woman in a residential building in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

It was the homeless man who discovered the opaque plastic box with the body of a teenager in the patio of the house where Lola’s family lives. According to sources close to the case, the body was hidden by a cloth. There were two carry-on suitcases next to the trunk.

An autopsy performed on Saturday showed that Lola died of “cardiorespiratory failure with suffocation and a sign of cervical compression.”This was reported on Monday in a press release by the Prosecutor of Paris, Laura Becco.

The examination revealedmultiple injuries”, and not “traumatic damage to the genital area”.