He does not skimp on reservations against Spain, which he considers responsible, along with France, for decades of broken promises with the Sahrawis and their right to self-determination, the last, he reminds, the peoples of the region who did not benefit from it. Mohammed Salem Ould Salek He has been the face of Saharan diplomacy since 1998. A historic leader who criticizes in the strongest possible terms the historic shift in position of the Spanish government in the Western Sahara dispute.

“The behavior of the Spaniards is very serious, because it fuels Moroccan expansionism,” Salem Ould Salek condemns without half measures in an interview. Independent from the Saharan refugee camp in Tindouf (Algeria). The head of the foreign policy department of the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic slips away without referring to the current situation, marked by the war in Ukraine, that “aggression against the country and annexation by force are unacceptable.” “France and Spain were the countries that facilitated the annexation of Morocco,” he warns.

Graduate of the Faculty of Political Science, Rabat University. Mohammed V, he also accuses the international community, and in particular the UN, of evading their duty to guarantee a self-determination referendum blocked by the Alawite regime. “So far, no serious decisions have been taken to force Morocco to fulfill what it promised. Some countries have now become part of the problem,” he warns.

Ask.- Seven months have passed since the Spanish executive’s Copernican turn in the Western Sahara dispute…
Answer.- Relations with the current government were suspended for high treason. The shift carried out by Pedro Sanchez represents an acceptance of the position of the aggressor and a violation of the inalienable rights of our people to self-determination and independence. This is bad. Something unbearable and completely unacceptable.

However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of Spain and their democratic forces and representatives of civil society for their historic support for the struggle for freedom, which we are waging in accordance with the principles of international law and the decisions of all international organizations and courts.

We have very strong relations with political and social forces. We are the only neighboring country, due to our maritime borders with the Canary Islands, in whose constitution Spanish, along with Arabic, is the official language of the Saharan Republic. We are the only Spanish-speaking Arab-African country. We Saharans have a different vision of what the relationship between the Saharan Republic and Spain should and should be, in contrast to the policy of weakness pursued by Madrid regarding Rabat.

AT.- Spain still does not explain the true reasons for this change of course …
R.- Our response to this change is one of condemnation marked by surprise. And it is expressed in condemnation due to the seriousness of the case. And surprise for two reasons: firstly, because of its humiliating form and content; and secondly, because, in our opinion, in this shameful deal, the Saharan people were sold out again, but at the same time, Spain’s own interests were sacrificed, including its image and ability to be a regional player with a word and weight. Spain knelt in the most ugly way before a medieval, feudal and blackmailing monarchy.

The behavior of the Spaniards is very serious because it fuels Moroccan expansionism. Morocco is the only country in the region that does not respect the borders of its neighbors, internationally recognized borders. He does not hesitate to use all means to achieve his goals.

Spain’s own interests were sacrificed, including its image and ability to be a regional player with word and weight.

AT.- Moroccan foreign policy is pursuing a very aggressive strategy, especially in Latin America, with a particular focus on Peru…
R.- There is no specific battle in Latin America. For decades, Saharan diplomatic action has taken place internationally to inform, gain support and build relationships. Today, the international community does not recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara. The Sahara Republic and Morocco are two member countries of the continental organization of the African Union, and both of them participate in all partnership summits with the UN, the European Union, the League of Arab States and other organizations, entities and individual countries.

Morocco is swimming against the current. The Moroccan strategy based on illegal transactions and vote buying is just a waste of time and money. The continuation and perseverance of the adventure in Western Sahara will lead not only to the explosion of Morocco, but also to the very possible disappearance of the monarchy. Hassan II understood that a referendum on self-determination in exchange for a cease-fire was an indispensable path to peace. This is something that Mohammed VI and his team do not understand.

AT.- Faced with an enemy that started adding loyalty, what is your strategy?
R.- We have a noble, just and internationally recognized cause of decolonization, which can only be accomplished through the exercise by the Saharawi people of their right to self-determination and independence. We have strong support, but the determination of the Saharawi people and their heroism over time is the first pillar in our struggle for freedom and peace.

The continuation of the Sahara adventure will lead not only to an explosion in Morocco, but to the very possible disappearance of the monarchy.

AT.- Minurso faces obstacles for years in order to fulfill his mission. What is your future?
R.- Minurso, as its name suggests, was created to organize a referendum. His task was blocked by the Moroccan occupier with the complicity of members of the so-called group of friends. With a humiliating performance by Pedro Sanchez. We all know whose best friend he is. France and Spain were the ones who prevented the plebiscite from taking place. They act on the aggressor. They have worked to reverse the process of decolonization and change its legal nature, but they will never achieve this goal.

They are indeed guilty of torpedoing the work of the UN Security Council, which failed to impose on Morocco the application of the agreement reached after 16 years of war and signed by the two parties under the auspices of the Security Council itself. It is France and Spain that also prevent the application of European justice in the event of illegal agreements. [en materia de pesca] with Moroccan invaders. And it was they who prevented MINURSO from ensuring respect for human rights in Western Sahara.

The French will probably be smarter. They have demonstrated the ability to better maneuver to protect their interests, not without difficulties, and sometimes even cope with major crises. But I believe that in the end France, thanks to its strategic interests in Africa and in the world, will know how to take Morocco out of the maze of Western Sahara and come out on top with the people of the Saharan Republic and Morocco and with everyone else in the northwestern region. Africa.

I fear that Spain, as we have seen since 1975, may be at a great disadvantage if it continues the same policy of pleasing the wolf, believing that it can control it and, even worse, have it as an ally against others. Unfortunately, this is a big mistake. Almost a joke. Now that the war has resumed over Morocco and its collaborators, Minurso’s task is completely blocked.

AT.- In recent weeks, we have witnessed certain steps towards rapprochement between Tunisia and the Polisario Front. Both have Algeria as a partner…
R.- Most members of the Arab League have no tradition of supporting national liberation, democracy or human rights. But in this part of the world we have a lot of popular support. A large number of political parties, social movements and figures stand in solidarity with the legitimate struggle of our people.

AT.- How do you see the future of the cause after 47 years of exile?
R.- The battle must continue until the Saharan Republic can take its place in the United Nations, like all the peoples of the world, despite great hardships and problems. There is no way back.