Total eighteen people were injuredno one at risk to life, in a traffic accident that occurred on the A-7, at the height of the municipality of Xativa (Valencia), which involved a bus and a truck, reported EFE Traffic Control Center sources.

The accident occurred around 16:00 on the 391st kilometer of the aforementioned road in the direction of Alicante for unspecified reasons and caused a delay on the aforementioned highway of more than six kilometers.

In total, there were 18 minor injuries in an accident between a bus and a truck on the A-7 highway.
In total, there were 18 minor injuries in an accident between a bus and a truck on the A-7 highway. PROVINCIAL CONSORTIUM OF FIRE FIGHTERS OF VALENCIA

Two 19-year-old women, one 18-year-old woman and two men aged 22 and 35 were evacuated with minor injuries. and minor bruises, to Ontinyent Hospital, in one of the main life support ambulances.

In another department of the SVB, four more people with polyconcussions were transferred to the Luis Alcani hospital in Xàtiva. This is an 18-year-old girl and three men 24, 26 and 57 years old.

A third SVB ambulance evacuated three other women, aged 18, 25 and 38, to the Francesc Borja de Gandía Hospital. Three were treated for various injuries due to cuts and bruises on their faces.

Finally, a regular ambulance took six more people with bruises to the La Ribera hospital in Alzira. These are three women aged 18, 19 and 25; two men aged 22 and 32 and a minor under the age of 17.

According to the Emergency Information and Coordination Center Generalitat Valenciana, the injured were transferred to hospitals in Gandia, Xativa, Ontinyent and Alcira.