This Thursday, a man died after falling from the fifth floor into the courtyard of an apartment building located on Calle Dr. Barraquer in Almería, near Calle Altamira, while he was installing an air conditioner.

The unified emergency service 112 Andalusia said the accident occurred around 3:00 pm when a call was made to the coordination center after a man fell from the fifth floor.

The incident was attended by members of the local police, the national police, the labor inspectorate and the 061 Emergency Medical Center belonging to the Andalusian Health Service. According to sources in the National Police, the operator died on the spot.

He is the second person to die under the same conditions in a few months after another 51-year-old man fell from a height of ten meters last May while installing another air conditioner in the Redondela area of ​​Ejido.